2005-07-04 01:15:41珍妮花


8/10 TOEFL




Yesterday, we had a presentation given by a funeral director. He showed us the history of funeral services and many traditional customs. We all know that in the past, when the emperor died, the emperor's wives, servants, guards, army and even slaves had to be buried alive with the emperor. But we didn't know that they designed caskets with smaller sticks inside and the person chosen to be buried alive with the emperor would be tied up on the small sticks and he had to knee down in the casket and maintain this posture as being buried. So what a horrifying history... In addition, the speaker also gave us lots of explaination of the funeral customs and introduction to the funeral procedures. We even saw the photos of bodies being injected fluid that prevent the body from decaying. Anyway, it was a really cool presentation. I was glad to watch all those photos and to learn so much about the funeral culture. It was great, indeed.
Also, i had the chance to interprete what the speaker said to a guest from the U.S., Carla. She is a professor of a Catholic university and she's been working on the field of hospice, death and funeral research for almost 20 years. People call her "death lady" for that... HaHa... but she's a nice person and I'm glad I had the chance to do the interpretation for her. Also, I'm glad that i've memorized some GRE vocabularies that are related to a funeral. tablet, epitaph, dirge, longevity.... I'm glad that i still remember words like deceased, urn, coffin, casket, monument, cremation, ash, and i learned incense, funnel...
tiring but great to be able to practice English for 3 hours.

I'm just too excited to go to bed.. It's already 1'o clock in the morning. I still don't want to sleep..... You know, it's really awkward to continue to go to work after your co-workers have thrown a farewell party for you....... @_@

What is life and what is death???

photo: http://www.hbo.com/sixfeetunder/