2006-06-28 04:04:39藍
Summer trip plan 2006 (29 June to 19 Jul)
In the previous two years, I spent the summers with College and high school students in Mainland China. We worked in a team with people from North America and Hong Kong and organized English camps on University campuses. I admired my teammates who spent their own money, flied more than 10 hours to the other part of the world and joined us in helping the child of our motherland. These two trips also helped me to realize that I can use my Putonghua to serve ! How miracle!
2006 is a significant year for me -- I prayed to Lord for leading me his way this year – how to use the summer to serve him.
Believe it or not, within a month, it came up with all sorts of wonderful arrangement. The process did not come easily, if you are interested in reading the details, check out this website.
I shall take 6 flights in these 21 days and would go to a few places in both east and west coasts. Lots of people had asked me the details of the trip and here it is:
Travel Itinerary : (Quite a challenging one, you bet)
财 财 Thu,29 June - Hong Kong to San Francisco (UA862) Depart : 1145 Arrive : 0847 – 12 hours 2 mins
财 财 Thu, 6 Jul - San Francisco to Philadelphia (UA184) Depart : 0843 Arrive : 1710 – 5 hours 27 mins
财 财 Fri, 14 Jul - Philadelphia to Washington (United Express 7181 Depart : 0615 Arrive: 0715 – 1 hour
财 财 Fri, 14 Jul – Washington to San Diego (UA229) Depart: 0815 Arrive : 1034 – 5 hours 19 mins
财 财 Tue, 18 Jul – San Diego to San Francisco (UA1280) Depart : 0855 Arrive: 1025 – 1 hour 30 mins
财 财 Tue, 18 Jul – San Francisco to Hong Kong (UA869) Depart : 1303 Arrive: 1800 (arrive HK on Wed, 19 Jul) – 13 hours 57 mins
(in case you read the news about issues happened in the above airports during specified periods, please use your prayers to save me :)
The trip is 21days and can be divided into three major parts: San Jose, Philadelphia (& New Heaven), San Diego
First Part -- San Jose : Thu, 29 Jun to Thu, 6 Jul 06
Function : 2006 Summer Conference – “A kingdom that cannot be shaken”
Church : Forerunner Christian Church
Church Address : 39620 Sundale Drive, Fremont, CA94538
Church Telephone : 510-656-8900 x 101
Hotel : Hilton Newark/Fremont
Address:39900 Balentine Dr., Newark CA 94560
Phone:1.800.445.8667, 1.510.490.8390
Lord is going to strengthen my inner life and I believe this will laid a foundation for my spiritual development. I attended a talk by the pastor of Forerunner Christian Church in HK before and kept reading her books lately. I look forward in participating in this conference.
Second Part – Philadelphia (and New Heaven) Thu, 6 Jul to Fri, 14 Jul 06
Staying with old friends in Philadelphia and in Yale
Reminisce with a close friend who migrated to Philadelphia two years ago. When she got marry in Philadelphia, I could only shared her joy over the phone and I am glad that I could visit her this time.
A small side trip here is going to visit a previous student of my University. She is originally from Mainland and then came to HK with a scholarship for undergraduate studies . We became friend in 2000. I haven’t seen her since her departure for her graduate school in the States in 2002. The memory of dropping her in the departure hall of Hong Kong International Airport at around midnight was just like yesterday. She is also one of the persons putting seeds in my heart leading to Lord.
Third Part – San Diego Fri, 14 Jul to Tue, 18 Jul 06
Function : Campus Transformation Network National Leaders Gathering
Period : 14 – 17 Jul 2006
Venue : University of San Diego
Related Website : http://www.campustransformation.com/prod/images/ctnflyer.jpg
Thank you Lord for calling upon me in participating this conference. Every time I pray for the University campus and the students here, it just touched my heart so much. I can see this gathering is a significant milestone for the transformation movement in University campuses in USA and I am glad to be there. More than 100 students leaders who committed their lives on campus transformation were called upon to San Diego to pray together for the nation! Not only UCLA is shaking, so do the other campuses!
2006 is a significant year for me -- I prayed to Lord for leading me his way this year – how to use the summer to serve him.
Believe it or not, within a month, it came up with all sorts of wonderful arrangement. The process did not come easily, if you are interested in reading the details, check out this website.
I shall take 6 flights in these 21 days and would go to a few places in both east and west coasts. Lots of people had asked me the details of the trip and here it is:
Travel Itinerary : (Quite a challenging one, you bet)
财 财 Thu,29 June - Hong Kong to San Francisco (UA862) Depart : 1145 Arrive : 0847 – 12 hours 2 mins
财 财 Thu, 6 Jul - San Francisco to Philadelphia (UA184) Depart : 0843 Arrive : 1710 – 5 hours 27 mins
财 财 Fri, 14 Jul - Philadelphia to Washington (United Express 7181 Depart : 0615 Arrive: 0715 – 1 hour
财 财 Fri, 14 Jul – Washington to San Diego (UA229) Depart: 0815 Arrive : 1034 – 5 hours 19 mins
财 财 Tue, 18 Jul – San Diego to San Francisco (UA1280) Depart : 0855 Arrive: 1025 – 1 hour 30 mins
财 财 Tue, 18 Jul – San Francisco to Hong Kong (UA869) Depart : 1303 Arrive: 1800 (arrive HK on Wed, 19 Jul) – 13 hours 57 mins
(in case you read the news about issues happened in the above airports during specified periods, please use your prayers to save me :)
The trip is 21days and can be divided into three major parts: San Jose, Philadelphia (& New Heaven), San Diego
First Part -- San Jose : Thu, 29 Jun to Thu, 6 Jul 06
Function : 2006 Summer Conference – “A kingdom that cannot be shaken”
Church : Forerunner Christian Church
Church Address : 39620 Sundale Drive, Fremont, CA94538
Church Telephone : 510-656-8900 x 101
Hotel : Hilton Newark/Fremont
Address:39900 Balentine Dr., Newark CA 94560
Phone:1.800.445.8667, 1.510.490.8390
Lord is going to strengthen my inner life and I believe this will laid a foundation for my spiritual development. I attended a talk by the pastor of Forerunner Christian Church in HK before and kept reading her books lately. I look forward in participating in this conference.
Second Part – Philadelphia (and New Heaven) Thu, 6 Jul to Fri, 14 Jul 06
Staying with old friends in Philadelphia and in Yale
Reminisce with a close friend who migrated to Philadelphia two years ago. When she got marry in Philadelphia, I could only shared her joy over the phone and I am glad that I could visit her this time.
A small side trip here is going to visit a previous student of my University. She is originally from Mainland and then came to HK with a scholarship for undergraduate studies . We became friend in 2000. I haven’t seen her since her departure for her graduate school in the States in 2002. The memory of dropping her in the departure hall of Hong Kong International Airport at around midnight was just like yesterday. She is also one of the persons putting seeds in my heart leading to Lord.
Third Part – San Diego Fri, 14 Jul to Tue, 18 Jul 06
Function : Campus Transformation Network National Leaders Gathering
Period : 14 – 17 Jul 2006
Venue : University of San Diego
Related Website : http://www.campustransformation.com/prod/images/ctnflyer.jpg
Thank you Lord for calling upon me in participating this conference. Every time I pray for the University campus and the students here, it just touched my heart so much. I can see this gathering is a significant milestone for the transformation movement in University campuses in USA and I am glad to be there. More than 100 students leaders who committed their lives on campus transformation were called upon to San Diego to pray together for the nation! Not only UCLA is shaking, so do the other campuses!
Karen and Alen:Can’t wait to come back and share with you and other cell group members. Lord is really faithful! 2006-07-08 13:48:20
哈哈!唔理坐飛機有事定無事啦(無事無事。Touchwood),我都會為你祈禱 : )
Thanks Cathy. I understand that reading English may not be your favourite but somehow you managed it!
2006-07-08 13:47:47
May God’s siprit be with you throughout the trip. Look forward to seeing the spiritually strenthened Jennifer in July.