2005-06-28 16:04:20藍
Daily Thoughts – Process of Change

At the time of preparing an assignment with the topic on the process of change in an organization, I realized that there are far more situations evolving this process in life.
Either we are moving away from the perpetual habit of doing late night work, we get up early to see if starting a new day with work done can lighten up the day or not. Or we fight with the negative thoughts that attack us every day and night towards positive construct. Changes sometimes take courage as well as shift in familiar pattern. In summer period, the shops are preparing their summer sales in meeting different customers. Parents are planning the summer activities for their child. At the same time, thousands of students have to accept the shift of their identities from being a learner at school to a staff member in an organization. Also, scholars at Universities mostly shift their focus of work from teaching to research, from meetings to conference attendance and academic writing in these months. Changes perpetrate our life at different levels.
When submitting ourselves to the natural environment, we will be surprised to realize that we experienced changes ever since we were born.
Fink et al. (1971) summarized the reaction in the process of change involves in an organization into different phrases – Shock, Defensive retreat, Acknowledge, Adaptation and change. If you are in the stage of accepting the changes, particular those dramatic one, in your life, just hang on there as you are already moving towards the final stage.
(I also decided to change the way of posting my writings on this website. Rather than only limiting myself typing in Chinese, I allow myself writing with the language that makes ideas flow and grow. To move further, as influenced by the recent encounters with two special friends of mine, I expand myself in writing more thoughts on the readings than only the feeling.)
Either we are moving away from the perpetual habit of doing late night work, we get up early to see if starting a new day with work done can lighten up the day or not. Or we fight with the negative thoughts that attack us every day and night towards positive construct. Changes sometimes take courage as well as shift in familiar pattern. In summer period, the shops are preparing their summer sales in meeting different customers. Parents are planning the summer activities for their child. At the same time, thousands of students have to accept the shift of their identities from being a learner at school to a staff member in an organization. Also, scholars at Universities mostly shift their focus of work from teaching to research, from meetings to conference attendance and academic writing in these months. Changes perpetrate our life at different levels.
When submitting ourselves to the natural environment, we will be surprised to realize that we experienced changes ever since we were born.
Fink et al. (1971) summarized the reaction in the process of change involves in an organization into different phrases – Shock, Defensive retreat, Acknowledge, Adaptation and change. If you are in the stage of accepting the changes, particular those dramatic one, in your life, just hang on there as you are already moving towards the final stage.
(I also decided to change the way of posting my writings on this website. Rather than only limiting myself typing in Chinese, I allow myself writing with the language that makes ideas flow and grow. To move further, as influenced by the recent encounters with two special friends of mine, I expand myself in writing more thoughts on the readings than only the feeling.)