2012-07-30 16:42:41職達


總機接待常用的 英文會話
1. 先說 Hello 或 Good morning .Good afternoon. 這類的招呼語.

2. 報上(公司名稱). 再說 May I help you?     能為您效勞嗎?
    來電者就會說他要幹什麼了. (找人或詢問....)

3. (1) One moment, please. I'll put you    through.     請稍待, 我幫您轉接.
 (2) He's / She's on another line. 他/她電話中.
  (3) He's/She's in a meeting. 他/她正在開會.
  (4) He's/She's got a visitor.他/她有訪客.
  (5) He's/ She's not in. 他/她現在不在.

4. (1)Would you like to leave a message? 您要留言嗎?
  (2)Would you leave your name and phone  number? 能否請您留下大名和電話?

5. I'll have him / her call you back.     我會請他/她回電.
Please come this way. 這邊請.
  Please have a seat. 請坐.
Please wait here for a moment. 請在此稍待.
Would you like some drink? Coffee or tea? 請問要喝什麼? 咖啡還是茶?
With cream and sugar? 要奶精和糖嗎?
I'll get (人名) for you. 我幫你去找某某人.


3詹餘靜 以溝通式教學觀為導向之折衷教學法使用評估


