2008-05-06 14:21:22J


three of you

It could be said to be perfect if there was still the moon weakly seized the night

we did not go on; then
we thought the top and down
for the long we got in
and that’s the previous thing extinguished in a very short term
we’re mutually injured;
although that’s just in somewhere that has not been equally treated

the angers keep rising for no place to hide
i just want to say nothing because I’m really dry
you have past the darkness which covered my eyes
but I still know that; you’re flying
then that is the fastest way you left everything
now I’m confused about what kinds of personality I belong to; which category I stay in
i can’t find the way without loss
there must be something extremely closed so that I can hear you
dreams involved to enough stories
while things are ruing and I saw them passing

but you’re not in
you’re not the one my breath got approach
i’v never been there; those memories all come with mistakes
i keep silence because it’s difficult to be awake without afraid
i‘m falling to the ground in your opposite space
then it may be nothing crushed again

我果然是秋天生的(我 2008-06-10 11:48:59


哈!小弟不才 真的沒懂幾個字

誰叫你要ㄧ次看完... 2008-06-10 18:21:10