2005-09-26 00:06:30JillChiang

Double my time!!~25 Sept.

I dont want to write on MSN for sharing my life to the people who I dont want ot share with.I am back here to share my life with my lovely friends.
ALRIGHT....recently,I’ve getting through a tough life time.90% is about business.I dont think I work hard enough but I am trying my best;I dont think I manage my time well,which means I can do things more effectively.A article which I taught to my students last night was "A PROCRASTINATOR".It digs into my innermest feeling about my whole life.I double my time to do mutiple things all the time AND I try to deal with these things effectively.I am not a procrastinator somehow.On the other side,I am shortening my life lengh.I compress my life and all the things I have to do.I dont think it’s a good idea but I just cant help!!
I was trying to relax but it never lasts more than 10 days.Maybe I am the person from the article that I lose the control to concerntrate on things.HOW POOR!!
Like,I am doing one-meal plan to keep fit.At the very beginning,it worked very well.Unfortunately,I started eating small things beside the assigned meal on the third week.Then I cant control it!Now it’s the fifth week,I am using my stronge willpower to keep losing more wieght.There is always a circle to repeat events.By willpower,I can jump out of the witch circle.