2006-11-14 07:03:55JC

Naturally Blonde

"Symptoms of being naturally blonde"

1. After living in new york for a year and half, you point at Empire State Building, and ask your date " so what is that tall building over there"?

2. Your friend told you she’s going to a wedding and the first question you ask is " so do you know her?"

let’s see how long this list can be...haha
JC 2006-12-16 10:46:11


J 2006-11-16 16:14:35

Haha...Irene, this ”naturally blonde” is referring to me...><

我大學時BBS上有我的麵包語錄...沒想到成人了...卻被C寫成語錄as well...

Irene 2006-11-16 06:10:45

let me contribute one -

if a blonde and a brunette jump off a bridge at the same time, who hits the water first?

the brunette, because the blonde would have to stop and ask directions