2008-12-27 15:55:32斌斌

Worshiping God 3

Went to holy spirit meeting again. Great time, again. God does stuff on our lives. Racheal becomes more mature and love God.Wenyan become happier, no more sadness. Claudia, her mom, and Jack came to our meeting and have more confident on you, Jesus. Thank you Lord :D. I feel my stomach is digesting while I am worshiping, gives me a hard time to concentrate. Lord, I have a great time with you. Sorry I lost my focus sometimes. I love you, Lord.

Dear Lord,
Please bless Pastor for his job at Glad Tiding or Teen Challenge.
Please bless Lord you touched Claudia, Julie, and Jack so they can follow you.
Please bless Wenyan and  my relationship.

Amen. God's children are valuable.

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☆文炎~乖乖★ 2008-12-29 14:26:13

:) i am so happy u write ur diary