2008-12-18 15:40:56斌斌

long time no see... no writing...

I have not write my diary in here for almost 2 year... to restart it makes me embarrassed :p... anyway, after graduate from Thurgood Marshall high, i entered Cal.. right now i finished first semester...tough....
From tomorrow on, I will restart my life fresh for many reason. That is, include writing my diary >o<. haha

today, i bought calculus book from kawai's friend, rushing off to bartstation to SF so i can meet Wenyan. Weihao got a serious stomach (probalby we ate Taco) on the way. And I meet Wenyan at a very late time in Library. After Mrs. Yip's death, she is becomming more serious now. I am worrying that she is putting too much stress :( about the subject of hell. I hope I can see her more happy face. I am not very happy see her change this way, but I pray she is fine. Also, i got my TV tuner and card reader dont' work on my old computers. I think i need to go back to dorm to test out on my recent desktop. today i am a bit tired. :(

God Bless ***
Jesus Loves ***


下一篇:bad dream, good day