2004-07-14 20:50:54雷公與飛翅膀

On The Decline of Morals of Rome

Titus Livius (59B.C.-A.D.17), who was a famous historian of Rome wrote a paragraph in his work:

Populus Romanus magnos animos et paucas culpas habebat. De offciis nostris cogitabamus et gloriam belli semper laudabamus. Sed nunc multum otium habemus, et multi sunt avari. Nec vitia nostra nec remedia tolerare possumus.

( People of Rome has great soul and always blame for it. we think of our duty and we always prease for the glory wars. But we have much peace now, and many people are greedy. We should bear neither our crimes nor remedy. )

According to Livius, what he saw was the peace time brought Romans to greedy, however what Livius said surprises me exactly. In the history of Rome, 100B.C was a time when Rome came to monarchy from republic. A big civil war happened and senate could never affect the decision of Rome. And it was about only 50 years after Julius Caesar (100-.44B.C), while Livius might worte his work. Livius was a scholar with wisedom, the history has already proved it, but you will be surprise the same as me if you notice the corruption, which brought Rome to forever weakness , grow up in exactly this 50 years between Julius Caesar and Livius. What a shrot time and people of Rome had fallen!

In my memory, the city of Rome was building at the age of 4B.C. At the very beginning, people of Rome were full of criminals and barbarians. It is said that two brothers, who were the father of Rome city, were borned because of their mother have sex with wolf. Therefore Rome people were brave, powerful and with moral innately. It can be proved by one event. There was a virgin with most beautiful face and good wirtue in the early Rome. But one day she was raped by a man of other race, which lived in the north of Rome. The people of Rome were very angry and set up a plan, which was that inviting them to have a feast in Rome in a festival, and then killed them after they were drunk. Romans did the plan and the Race was destroyed by Romans.

At the time I read Livius’ words and thought about these two story, which tell that the moral of Romans. I fall into a feeling of sorrow, because the innate moral of man could finally be corrupted by richness and peace time they had got. That’s really sad, in only 50 years after great war, and that is the ancestor of us. Being human being is a boring thing. I would like to be a male dog if I have choice.