2015-11-23 14:08:03溫暖國國王









Physics has "acceleration", so more and more falling objects accelerate, resulting in a lot of damage when you hit the ground. The Bible also tells people have corrupt acceleration, that we be careful not to make this mistake.

"Poor poor, it is his ruin." (Proverbs X: 15) is the lack of poor people, people in need. The real poor people, the poor have been noticed his poor; there is a lack of people, has been his lack of attention; there are people in need, has been pegged to his needs. He put his magnifying the problem of poverty, deepen their poverty, are required to bite himself. So, he increased his own poverty problems, add your own lack of urgency, and to shorten the time required. This is a very dangerous thing, as people in the remote, dark path, open cars broken car, and continued to accelerate.

what to do? Learning When a rich man now! "The rich man's wealth is his strong city." (Proverbs ten: 15) In terms of a person has to meet, it would be his life stable, steady as a strong city, which is rich. Acceleration antisense "deceleration" strong and stable place under condition deceleration. What is the poor and the rich, in that attention is their own or all of the free.