自由民主 & 文明教養-引用
The question of whether to stay with the monarchy or become to a republic is one which has been argued in Australia since before federation in 1901(Australian Bureau of Statistics, 1994). Actually, the Australian republic referendum was held on 6 November 1999 that was a two-question referendum. The first question asked whether Australia should become a republic with a President appointed by Parliament and this amendment did not pass(Australian Electoral Commission, 2007). However, as Australia Prime Minister Julia Gillard said she believes Australia should become a republic after Queen Elizabeth II dies(Gray, 2010), so there could be an another republic referendum in the near future. Therefore, this essay discusses both sides of the debate and informs all Australian citizens about the advantages and disadvantages of moving to a republic or retaining the monarchy.
To sum up, Monarchists claim the system of government is working well and should remain exactly the same. But on the other hand, Republicans argue that an Australian citizen should be a head of state. After looking at both sides of this discussion, both of them declare their beliefs would be a benefit to Australia in many ways. Meanwhile, we are free to say what we think about any topic and respect other people’s freedom in Australia. The most important thing is that we will respect and accept the result of the republican referendum for what all Australian citizens have chosen for the future.
這次我期末交的報告,討論澳洲是否該成為共和國,上面的文章只留下開頭與結尾,我已經把主文拿掉,重點是當澳洲女總理在競選期間時,表達自己的想法,她覺得"當女王過世後,澳洲該成為共和國",沒有聽到英國人去罵她甚麼民族罪人,破壞人民的感情,數典忘祖之類的,澳洲人可以公開的討論這個問題,最終會在公投決定是否完全脫離英國,成為共和國。 這就是民主,這就是自由。
英國以前擁有許多殖民地,但是大部分被英國統治過的國家都已經獨立,有些國家像澳洲這樣,國旗上面還有英國的國旗,女王還是國家最高領導的象徵,不過這些國家在聯合國也都有席次,當地人民也可以表達脫離英國的意願,不會被英國威脅要發動戰爭;再看看英國本身,她的國力在一次世界大戰就式微了,二次世界大戰後確定被美國所取代,不再是世界最強的國家,可是到現在快一百年了,英國人民的生活,普遍來說都還是很有水準的。 這就是文明,這就是教養。