2006-05-08 04:44:33*JaNeT*

For this special friend--AKI

Ok let is see..

because this lady wrote an article for me

DUH i have write an article for her too..

i know we are bitches..

we went to same school ( junior and senior )

i am shock when i know we are in the same school and same class

i remember the first day

u were late and nobody talk to me...

and i thought u change the class or something...

i think "OMG i do not know how to get alone with these girls"

and thx god u show up at the moment i did not know what to do..

pretty much u save my life about 100 times..

i am so gald i have u be me best friends ever

I do not care sometimes we have cold fights

we still love each other i know

u always say

u have fat legs(which are not fat)

u have big face(which is not big)

u have bad body (which is not bad)

u never feel u are wonderful..

but u should come over America and u will know how pretty u are

Do not be silly Aki

u have really kind heart and one of the thing we are the same is

what u think what u say

i hate act like a barbie

and i remeber almost every teachers always think


they call my name look at u

or call your name look at me

u remember that ???

i wish u can come over here and study with me

but i feel sorry u can not

I am afraid u leave me

I am afraid u forget me

I am afraid we fighting

I am afraid we wil not be best friends

I am afraid u taking all of the good men in the whole world

I am afraid u crying(I do not know what to do)

I am afraid we will not be honest to each other

I am afraid I study here and lost my friend

I am afraid a lot of thing will happen in the future

But one thing i will not afraid is


Ture Love is when i say "I love u forever"and never regret

Take care and Good luck

Love ya

Do not forget u are wonderful and pretty