2008-10-25 03:49:13小美


今天放假,和姐妹們去吃晚飯。去了大埔一間意大利餐廳 Culture Shock,是朋友極力推薦的~


那個火焰雪山比相片上還要大,幸好三個人分來吃剛剛好~ 嘻嘻~ 是老闆(我相信是老闆)親自給我們serve的,看他弄火焰好像看表演一樣~

本來我想飲Hoegaarden的,一品脫才$56 (在 After 5 要$60),不過吃完火焰雪山已經飽了,又不是很想去喝一杯。嘻嘻,不想當個酒鬼啊~



呵呵~ 我是故意沒讓你知道我今天放假的~


呵呵~ 想不到你發了個短訊。你以為我沒上班病了吧。


嘻嘻~ 心甜~



P.S. 最近郭師奶不止一次說我已經廿多歲了,不要當自己是十六歲。提到十六歲,我想起Sixteen Going On Seventeen...

Sixteen Going On Seventeen

You wait, little girl, on an empty stage
For fate to turn the light on
Your life little girl is an empty page
That men will want to write on

To write on

You are sixteen going on seventeen
Baby, it's time to think
Better beware...be canny and careful
Baby, you're on the brink
You are sixteen going on seventeen
Fellows will fall in line
Eager young lads and rogues and cads
Offer you food and wine
Totally unprepared are you to face a world of men
Timid and shy and scared are you
Of things beyond your ken
You'll need someone older and wiser
Telling you what to do,
I am seventeen going on eighteen
I'll take care of you!

I am sixteen going seventeen
I know that I'm naive
Fellows I meet may tell me I'm sweet
And willingly I believe
I am sixteen going seventeen
Innocent as a rose
Bachelor dandies, drinkers of brandies
What do I know of those?
Totally unprepared am I to face a world of men
Timid and shy and scared am I
Of things beyond my ken
I need someone older and wiser
Telling me what to do,
You are seventeen going on eighteen
I'll depend on you!