2005-10-23 21:44:07白小美


呼呼~~, 今天花了一晚上時間下載Miktex(tex distribution)跟TexnicCenter(IDE tools), 還有看了好久環境設定線上說明手冊, 終於搞定了!



After I’ve settled the latex environment, I want to share this with you. Hope the description can help someone save time.


Please connect to Miktex website and download the Miktex v2.5(beta)

After you had download it, just execute the setup file from your destination folder.

At first, pls choose the first option for download and make the mirror site nearby your place now. (Here will be a little confuse somebody. But just dowload again by the setup process.)

Then you have to wait 1 hr through it, if you use the the Universuty network.

When you download successfully, you have to execute the setup file from your destination folder again. Afterward you can choose the second option for install. Also it spent a long time.

Then connect to TexnicCenter website and download the TexnicCenter v1 beta 6.31 and execute it.

Finally, you have to set the output wizard with the TexnicCenter.

To start the Output Wizard manually, please select the menu item ’Build|Define Output Profiles...’ and click on the button ’Wizard’ in the next dialog.

Next, if you use the Miktex for your tex-distribution, pls choose the first option, otherwise choose the other one. Then keep the three text fields empty in next step, and cilick finish button.

Good luck~. It works out now.