2017-05-02 10:30:05jacquewc3dhx0

Best Places to Vacation in Sep


Trike Your Way Through Saigon Markets

The experience:
One thing you can never miss when visiting Saigon is the market. Get yourself sit in a cyclo, and let the puller take you to see the true color of this city.
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□Duration: 4 hours (approx.)
+Morning: 8.00 am – 12.00 pm
+Afternoon: 2.00 pm – 6.00 pm
□Departure: Ho Chi Minh city
□Returning point: Ho Chi Minh city


# Pet market
# Flower market
# Motor bike market
# Fresh food market
# Whole market

-What To Expect-

Markets are the lifeblood of Vietnam. There are thousands of them. Every little village has one, as do the biggest cities. You can buy anything as meat, fresh seafood, vegetables, fruits or all types, eggs, and much more. There are food stalls where you can sit on a small plastic stool and taste.
The markets are always bustling, crowded, and exciting. These markets seem to exist in another dimension to the rest of the city. These should places if you really want to discover culture and life here.


□Duration: 4 hours (approx.)
+Morning: 8.00 am – 12.00 pm
+Afternoon: 2.00 pm – 6.00 pm
□Departure: Ho Chi Minh city
□Returning point: Ho Chi Minh city


# Pet market
# Flower market
# Motor bike market
# Fresh food market
# Whole market

-What To Expect-

Markets are the lifeblood of Vietnam. There are thousands of them. Every little village has one, as do the biggest cities. You can buy anything as meat, fresh seafood, vegetables, fruits or all types, eggs, and much more. There are food stalls where you can sit on a small plastic stool and taste.
The markets are always bustling, crowded, and exciting. These markets seem to exist in another dimension to the rest of the city. These should places if you really want to discover culture and life here.



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