2008-03-30 02:01:00JaNIce♥

IELTS done


i am finaly done with IELTS, unless i have to take it again ! but hope that won’t happened !! pleaseeeeeeeeee

now, no more study lew !!! gonna relax and sleep and have fun a lot !

but since my parents are still here, so still can’t party too late !

anyway~~ the IELTS test is oky in general.
listening > oky, not so difficult, but there’s something i didnt catch up !

reading > couldn’t finished all the questions, 2 blanks left. and you have to look up that they ask "True/Fault" or "Yes/No" wa !! did i write it correct? worry wa !!

writing > it’s so bad luck wa, that the task 1 is the diagram wa, not the graph or table that i had partrised a lot on wa !! but the diagram is not very diffiult. and did i write enough words ? dont have time to count it !

speaking > i think it’s better than other parts. but i think i speak a little bit too fast (nervous), so i run out of things to say for a 2 minutes part. other than that, i think i can answer every questions, but i didnt look at the grammar on my talking wa !! watever !!

that’s all.
for friends who going to take IELTS, the advice will be try to read faster, organize the ideas before u write, and relax on speaking.

good luck to everyone and good luck to my result ^^