2019-05-04 05:14:47iyosiesk2cio

【本日刷卡購買商品折扣】Hauck 運動型推車Rapid 4 開店送禮推薦







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Hauck 運動型推車Rapid 4












Hauck Pushchair Rapid 4 設計式樣: Caviar/ Tango · 2019

The sporty Hauck Pushchair Rapid 4 scores with its innovative and super smart folding mechanism. With this stroller you can save some of your precious time, since it can be folded quickly with only a few clicks. The loop that is used to unlock and fold the stroller can be used as a convenient carrying handle as well. This way you can easily lift the stroller into a bus or carry it up the stairs while having one hand free for your little one.

The Hauck Rapid 4 is the perfect companion for trips and outings. Its lockable swivel front wheels rotate 360°. When driving on rough surfaces the stroller's suspended and shock-absorbing wheels level out any irregularities and thus ensure a smooth ride. The soft push bar can be adjusted up to 30 cm in height and thus adapts to mom's and dad's height.

Highest driving comfort is provided by the pushchair's high-quality quilted seat which is equipped with a backrest that can be adjusted with a strap until fully reclined. Also the footrest is multiply adjustable. Once it is set up in a horizontal position it provides your child with a large lying surface to rest and take a nap. The extendable sun canopy can be pulled far forward to cover your child and protect her from any weather. The viewing panel always lets you have an eye on your little one. A bag integrated in the canopy stores important things such as keys or mobile phone. The shopping basket beneath the seat unit offers space to store baby's essentials.

The five-point harness as well as the safety bar provide extra protection.

Due to its compact folded size the Rapid 4 can be stored easily in your car boot.

Items of delivery:

  • Sporty pushchair

  • Integrated adapter for the Isofix-capable Car Seat Comfort-Fix, group 0+

Details of chassis/ pushchair:

  • One-hand folding mechanism

  • Wheels suspension

  • Plastic wheels

  • Parking brake

  • 特惠折價卷
  • Spacious shopping basket

  • wipeable

  • Recline angle of backrest: 119 - 168 cm

  • Continuous adjustment of backrest

  • Adjustable footrest, 2 x

  • Removable cover

  • Sun canopy

  • Removable cover

  • Removable safety bar

  • Lockable swivel wheels

  • Removable front wheels

  • Removable rear wheels

  • Five-point harness

  • Can be combined with car seat

  • Can be combined with carrying bag

  • Total weight of buggy/ pushchair: 9,3 kg

  • Size folded: 84 x 54 x 9,3 cm

  • Size open: 104 x 54 x 30 cm

  • Seat width: 36 cm

  • Height adjustable push bar: 4 x 76 - 109 cm

  • Height of push bar: 95 - 109 cm

  • Length of lying surface: 86 cm

  • Length of seat and backrest: 22 / 45 cm

  • Diameter rear wheels: 18,5 cm

  • Diameter front wheels: 17,5 cm

  • Suitable for children from birth up to 15 kg




Hauck 運動型推車Rapid 4





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(封面圖/翻攝自High on Life)開店送禮推薦


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Hauck 運動型推車Rapid 4

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