2019-05-03 06:12:22iyosiesk2cio

【折價券代碼】CYBEX Buggy Eezy S+plus 特價商品


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Cybex Buggy Eezy S+plus 設計式樣: Tropical Blue/navy blue · 2019

The compact Cybex buggy Eezy S+plus features all-terrain wheels as well as all-wheel suspension that contribute to easy manoeuvrability even on uneven terrain.

Its innovative one-hand folding mechanism transforms the handy Eezy S+ into a compact and free-standing unit within seconds. Furthermore, the Eezy S+plus is a particularly space-saving version of a buggy and thus perfectly suitable for being used as hand luggage in the car, in the restaurant or else when travelling. A built-in carrying handle is ideal for lifting this lightweight buggy with only one hand while you other hand is free for your child.

Its narrow silhouette as well as its small wheelbase contribute to the buggy's easy manoeuvrability through shops and alleyways.

When combined with an infant car seat by Cybex or gb, you can use this 2 in 1 travel system right from birth. When used as a convenient buggy with comfortable seat unit, the Eezy S+plus supplies your child at the age of 6 months up to 4 years with a cosy spot.

The backrest can be adjusted continuously to a comfy recline position so that it adapts perfectly to the needs of your child. No matter if your little one fancies a crazy discovery tour or rather a peaceful nap - the Cybex Eezy S+plus provides him with the perfect sitting position at all times. The large sun canopy with UV protection and additional sun visor keeps away wind and sun from your child.

Tip: You can also complement the Cybex Eezy S+plus with the cosy nest Cocoon S and thus add some comfort and cosiness for the littlest.


  • Lightweight all-terrain buggy suitable for children up to 17 kg (approx. 4 years)

  • Can be used right from birth when combined with an infant car seat or Cocoon S (not included in delivery!)

  • One-hand folding mechanism - free standing, compact package

  • Small folded size: 27 x 45 x 57 cm

  • Narrow wheelbase with a width of only 45 cm, wheel size: front: Ø 17 cm/ rear: Ø 21 cm

  • 2 in 1 travel system, can be combined with infant car seats by Cybex or gb

  • Soft all-wheel suspension

  • Sun canopy with UV protection and sun visor

  • Continuous adjustment of backrest to recline position

  • Cover can be machine washed at 30°C

  • Dimensions: L 80.5 x W 45 x H 105 cm

  • Lightweight with only 7 kg




CYBEX Bu開箱文商品ggy Eezy S+plus





興大獸醫院首創自體前十字韌帶置換術 狗狗術後兩週正常走路


興大獸醫教學醫院教授李衛民表示,前十字韌帶斷裂臨床症狀,從狗狗肢體跛行,到不負重,都有可能發生,最常見的症狀是整隻腳懸空,不敢著地,有時症狀輕微,主人往往會忽略。由於膝關節受力不平衡,最終導致膝關節的半月板軟骨受損甚而破裂。李衛民指出,依據狗狗體重考量,前十字韌帶斷裂的修復方法,包括脛骨平台位移(TPLO)、脛骨粗隆前移術(TTA)、改良式的TTA 進階手術(MMP)、膝關節囊外固定、膝關節囊內固定等。這些手術中,只有膝關節囊內固定,傾向於模擬膝關節內前十字韌帶的走向,但仍是以外來物取代原來的韌帶。前十字韌帶斷裂,藥物的治療只能緩解疼痛,無法根本解決,最好還是手術。興大獸醫院李衛民率領的外科團隊,應用改良式的膝關節囊內固定,以動物體自身的韌帶,取代斷裂韌帶,目前已完成8件犬隻手術,這些病例體重大都在10 公斤左右,最重16公斤,動物恢復狀況良好。李衛民舉例,一隻8歲的奶油法鬥,11.5公斤,左後肢不負重,診斷為前十字韌帶斷裂。經興大獸醫教學醫院手術治療後,兩個星期後即能負重,正常走路。


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