2019-05-04 14:32:31iwkew2maiayc

【刷卡購物折扣】Odenw-lder 小號腳袋 Mucki 網拍熱門商品發燒好康


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Odenwälder Footmuff Mucki 設計式樣: Schwarz

Odenwälder's footmuff Mucki supplies your little one with optimum protection on cold days and is suitable for all regular infant car seat carriers as well as hard and soft carrycots.

Both the filling made of cuddly high-bulk spun fibre as well as the easy-to-clean high-tech fabric contribute to the Mucki's protective features. This way, your little one can accompany you on travels while being protected and kept warm at all times. Due to its extended seat unit, the Mucki fits in any infant car seat carrier. It can even be installed in hard and soft carrycots and thus offers your child a safe and snug place wherever you go. The patented ADA-bottom features a double insulation which keeps little feet super warm when it's cold outside. In case of hard wind or rainfall, you can easily create a mummy-shaped head area that prevents wet and wind from reaching your child. The safety-bag keeps the drawstring easy to reach.

The long zip reaches all over the bottom. Once it is wide open, it enables you to put your child in and out of the footmuff easily. Even fastening your little one with the harness is no problem. Usually, the temperature change from the cold outside to the warmth inside feels uncomfortable for tiny humans. That is why, Odenwälder has designed the footmuff with an easy-to-use zip that can be opened with only one hand. This way, the footmuff can be opened quickly so that any heat accumulation can be avoided. The fasteners integrated in the footmuff keep the Mucki wide open.

Another great highlight of this footmuff is its cute Mucki bear's face. Both young and old will fall in love with the cuddly teddy immediately. A reflective transfer print provides maximum visibility which makes the footmuff safe for travel and essential for strolling through the dark.

Odenwälder's footmuff supplies your child with safety and warmth wherever you go. High-quality materials and great features - made in Germany.


  • Suitable for all infant car seat carriers (group 0), soft carrycots and hard carrycots

  • Patented extended seat unit suitable for any belt system (up to five-point harness)

  • Mummy shaped head section, safety bag for storing drawstring

  • Clip-up fastener

  • Patented ADA-bottom - double warmth insulation

  • Draughtproof

  • Zip that reaches all over the bottom, chin protector

  • Cuddly bear's face with micro terry cloth

  • Reflective transfer print

  • Material: high-tech cotton fabric/ polyesters mix; filling: high-bulk spun fibres (Polyesters)

  • Size: Length 81 cm

  • Suitable for allergy sufferers

  • Machine washable at 40°C, dryer-proof
  • 省錢方法2018熱銷商品

  • Made in Germany




Odenw?lder 小號腳袋 Mucki






【羅開新聞中心Minsey Weng綜合報導】前進LPGA之路的Symetra Tour(辛梅塔巡迴賽),日前公佈2019年行程表,總計共安排了二十四場比賽,創下史上新高紀錄,另外在總獎金規模也首度突破四百萬美元的關卡。


「辛巡賽持續穩定成長,提供更多的比賽機會給來自世界各地的選手,她們都是為前進LPGA而戰。」辛巡賽商務總監Mike Nichols(麥克?尼可斯)說道:「除了爭取更多的獎金,我們也持續努力升級球場,幫助畢業選手提前適應未來征戰LPGA的場地。」

2019年共有六場比賽突破二十萬美元,比去年多了兩場,其中五月二十三至二十六日那一週,位於阿拉巴馬州的Robert Trent Jones Golf Trail(瓊斯高爾夫足跡)系列球場中的Grand National(大國家球場),將進行史上首場三十萬美元級的辛巡賽,目前名稱未定。

至於新球季預計在三月七日由SKYiGOLF Championship(天空高爾夫錦標賽)揭開序幕,總獎金為二十五萬美元,最後在十月六日由Symetra Tour Championship(辛梅塔巡迴錦標賽)劃下句點,總獎金為二十二萬五千美元。


好萊塢愛情童話破碎 查寧塔圖與妻分居

曾被美國「時人雜誌」(People Magazine)列為年度「最性感男人」的好萊塢男星查寧塔圖(Channing Tatum),在與妻子珍娜(Jenna Dewan Tatum)結婚近9年後,昨天晚上拋出分居震撼彈。



兩人於2006年拍攝舞蹈電影「舞出真我」(Step Up)時相識,並於2009年結婚,育有一名4歲女兒。


查寧塔圖曾於「舞棍俱樂部」(Magic Mike)及「龍虎少年隊」(21 Jump Street)等熱門電影中演出。

Odenw?lder 小號腳袋 Mucki

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開箱文, Odenw?lder 小號腳袋 Mucki

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好用嗎?, Odenw?lder 小號腳袋 Mucki
