2016-07-24 05:44:17ivans86en0im2

英文如何發音 免費學 prejudge中文意思是什麼

    英語教學影片 全民英檢初級複試成績查詢 家教網全民英檢成績查詢 學習英語app 兒童英文單字網路 英文 新竹英語家教聽英文背單字 一對一英文家教老師初級英文 英文自學書趨勢美語 英文自學 英文補習班評價學英文文法 學英文對話英文如何發音 免費學




prejudge解釋聽英文網站 在職進修英文 商用英語對話abc tutor 高中數學家教行情 ielts 班

vt. 及物動詞 預先判斷,過早判斷;【法律】不審而判。

-judg(e)ment n. 名詞

  • Secondly, each region ’ s orientation line is calculated to prejudge the regions that contain the shadow regions, and the regions that contain shadow region are marked. thirdly, the marked region ’ s body color vector is calculated, and it is matched with that in the shadow database, after that, the shadow region can be obtained accurately

  • Usually before the formal review, we leave time to team members to prejudge the review content

  • So, of course we don ' t want students to be prejudiced ? to prejudge the correctness or desirability of some idea or action before they know anything about it

    因此,理所當然我們不願意學生偏見地對待問題? ?在知曉事情之前,他們不應該對其他文化某些想法和行為的追求與正確性持偏見。
  • Here the term is used to indicate a hiatus between knowledge and action, in an effort to avoid terms such as akrasia or “ weakness of the will ”, which prejudge the interpretation of the phenomenon

  • Several key techniques of carving and milling machine cnc system are deeply studied they include : the transformation, data rebuild and interface design of huge volume nc program produced by cam ; the algorithm of cubic parametric spline pre _ interpolation and high speed real time interpolation in the cnc system, which. will gain a much higher surface precision and cutting speed ; methodology and algorithm of movement velocity acceleration control on a real time forecast _ and _ prejudge basis is designed. therefore, a smooth movement is insured. the shake and noise problem caused by non _ uniform pules for driving stepping or servo motor is solved by an improving algorithm to generate uniform pules

    同時,本文對基於統一的pc平臺的雕銑機數控系統中的幾項關鍵技術進行了深入的研究,包括: cam生成加工程序的傳送、接收、讀取及其加工鏈表的生成和實時重構;對cam生成的離散數據進行三次參數樣條插值和基於累加弦長的三次參數樣條插補控制,保證加工工件表面的精度和光順性;設計具有「前瞻」功能的自動升降速控制方法,保證加工過程的平穩性;通過脈沖均勻化,有效地解決加工過程中因為脈沖不均勻而引起的震動問題。

    prehistory, prehuman, preignition, prejudication, prejudice, prejudiced

      英語教學影片 全民英檢初級複試成績查詢 家教網全民英檢成績查詢 學習英語app 兒童英文單字網路 英文 新竹英語家教聽英文背單字 一對一英文家教老師初級英文 英文自學書趨勢美語 英文自學 英文補習班評價英文如何發音 免費學英語會話家教 全民英檢gept商用英文單字 學英文的好方法學英文app 英語對話範例
