2016-07-05 10:17:40ivans86en0im2

中級英檢報名 家教網站 手機學英語 kydex universal build-up hand中文意思是什麼

    中級英檢報名 家教網站 手機學英語自學英文教材 免費線上聽英文英文家教 一對一 商務英文會話 成人英語家教30個免費學英文網站 英文會話學習全民英檢初級複試成績查詢 輕鬆的英文歌高雄外籍英文家教老師 理化家教 線上語言學習看圖學英語 找家教兒童課程 補習課程 英文背單字



kydex universal build-up hand中文意思是什麼

kydex universal build-up hand解釋

語文學習網 英文日常生活會話 基德克斯多功能組合假手

  • kydex: 克迪克斯
  • universal: adj 1 宇宙的,萬有的,萬物的;完全的,絕對的;全世界的。 2 人類全體的,萬人的;全面的,普及的,普...
  • build: vt (built 〈詩、古〉 build ed; built builded)1 建,蓋,建築;建設,建造;築,造。2 建立,創立,...
  • up: adv (superl uppermost )1 向[在]上,向[在]上面;向[在]被認為處于上方的地方或方面〈如河流的源頭,...
  • hand: n 漢德〈姓氏〉。n 1 手;(猴子等的)腳;(一般四足獸的)前腳。2 (鐘表的)指針,(工具等的)把,...

  • This intermediate would not be expected to build up to any appreciable concentration.

  • To the development of the grid computing, a very important work is to build up a universal standard criterion in grid service, to inosculate nicely with grid computing and web service

  • As one kind of essential ideology, the ideology of imperial power has two purposes, fir英文教師資格 英檢初級成績查詢 英文 台北stly, to shape the conception about emperor as a belief of people and a universal value, secondly, to build up a directive corresponding relation between the emperor and the demo, and to turn the emperor into the single prolocutor and protector

  • The purpose of this theme is to classify sar images into four regions : man - made targets ( vehicles and buildings ), natural targets ( trees and shrubbery ), background ( field and grass ) and shadow ( the target shadow and mirror scatter ). on the one hand, the processed results can be directly used as image product, which offer necessary parameters for expert ' s interpretation to build up an independent auxiliary interpreting system. on the other hand, the results can be introduced into sar image interpreting system as the replacing target detection and discrimination models with layer rois ( region of interest ) in order to provide potential target chips

    具體內容為:根據sar圖像基本特性,提取可靠特徵,將圖像區分為人造目標(機動車輛、建築物等) 、自然目標(樹木、灌木、樹林等) 、背景(草地、平地、植被等)和陰影(目標陰影、鏡面散射體等)四種類別,為不同的應用提供對應的感興趣區域( roi ) 。
  • We continue to have mixed feelings about the hedge funds. on the one hand, the continued lack of transparency and the lack of a consensus among regulators on hedge fund disclosure means that there is no reliable system for monitoring or detecting any build - up of destabilising market concentration, or for assessing and managing systemic risks


    kydenius, kydex, kylberg, kylberger, kwadacha wilderness

    kydex universal build-up hand中文意思是什麼
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