2019-04-04 23:33:14iuwecocssscy

【哪裡便宜】Hauck Buggy Rapid 4 S 團購周年慶


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Hauck Buggy Rapid 4 S 設計式樣: Caviar/neon/yellow · 2018

Hauck's buggy Rapid 4 S comes with an extravagant design that will instantly delight you. Its high-quality textile features as well as the extraordinary bicolour look of the chassis turn this trendy chap into a real eye-catcher that will attract everybody's attention.

Due to the great one-hand fold mechanism the Rapid 4 S collapses into a small and practical package. Thus, this adorable buggy can be transported easily and stored into almost any car boot.

High-quality comfort wheels provide soft riding comfort while lockable swivel front wheels make the all-round buggy suitable for both town and country. An easy-to-use parking brake ensures safe support on any stop.

Furthermore, the buggy is equipped with a soft padded comfort seat in which every little explorer will enjoy his or her ride. The backrest can be adjusted into a full recline position. The footrest adapts accordingly. A large canopy can be extended and pulled forwards by using the zip - this way, you can create a shady retreat for your child that protects him from sun, wind and weather. The mesh fabric provides optimum air circulation. A large shopping basket underneath the seat unit offers enough space to store baby's travel essentials and your purchases.

Also mom and dad will have a great time pushing the Rapid 4 S since it comes with a push bar that can be adjusted in height and soft push bar handles. Another great feature is a bottle holder which is included in delivery - it can be attached to the chassis and thus keeps baby's beverage always easy to reach. The Rapid 4 S can now be used even longer: by featuring a maximum weight capacity of 22 kg it reaches far beyond the requirements of a buggy.

Tip: The Hauck Rapid 4 S can also be purchased as a practical Trio Set in our online shop. When combined with the carrycot and the infant car seat you can use it as a pram right from birth.



  • Age suitability: from birth up to a weight of 22 kg

  • Items delivered: chassis with seat unit, bottle holder, shopping basket

  • One-hand fold mechanism

  • Trendy chassis in a bicolour look

  • Comfort wheels, breakdown-proof, lockable swivel front wheels, suspension

  • Extendable canopy, adjustable backrest, footrest

  • Height-adjustable push bar: 94 to 109 cm

  • 特價商品便宜
  • Five-point harness, detachable front bar

  • Can be combined with carry bag and Hauck Infant Car Seat Comfortfix

  • Cover: wipeable

  • Size unfolded: 93 x 54 x 108 cm; size folded: 80 x 54 x 40 cm

  • Weight: 9,7 kg




Hauck Buggy Rapid 4 S





吳志揚:頂新組隊盼農曆年前 主場點六都新竹

中職會長吳志揚今天下午透過網路直播談頂新集團組隊議題,吳志揚直言若有強烈意願「宜早不宜遲」,不要拖到農曆年後,目標 2021年打一軍,主場六都優先,也點名新竹縣市。






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Hauck Buggy Rapid 4 S

推薦, Hauck Buggy Rapid 4 S

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?推薦, Hauck Buggy Rapid 4 S

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部落客推薦, Hauck Buggy Rapid 4 S

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