2006-07-11 03:50:42艾瑞斯


Dear all,

Thank you very much for visiting my blog. Unfortunately, the network card of our laptop has been dead for ages, so as that we can not update the articles in this blog. As you might have known very well about the Great British efficiency, it will take one more week to wait for the new part coming.

Before that, all of you still are very welcome to my blog and leave your message for me. Thank you very much and hope to see you guys soon!

Best Regards,
~雋 2006-07-27 18:38:51

In Britain, when they say "a couple of weeks", that would mean an eternity. Well, good luck! Hope that does not hold you from visiting 謝老師’s blog.
Hey! When are you coming back? 今年的短期禪修班定在9月10日(Sunday),是一整天的活動喲,最適合你們這種 "外縣市"的朋友參加,要不要考慮一下?機會難得哦 ! 報名只到8日13日,I believe you know how to !
Best wishes !

阿婉 2006-07-12 15:59:07
