2002-07-14 02:46:44若望

【Attempted storm】 About "Chance or Coincidences

“The heavier misforfune have been, the worthier of being experienced.”

There is something between life and death .As we know ,unknown-fate always play joke on human .However ,how we face this kind of attack?

This movie was directed by Claude Lelouch in 1998 .He mentioned a philosophical idea :”If you believe God ,every chance are Coincidences .If not , every Coincidences are chance . “Music ,drama ,flashback-narration and mise-en-scene are so appropriate for his excellent narration style .

Few days ago ,when I waited the traffic light on street corner .I rapidly took this picture at sight of somber sky .It seemed to be rainy .Besides thinking about “What can I do?” ,the most important thing were going to my goal as soon as possible.

Like the Soutine's “Turkey wheel dance” .Life will go on day by day .You can choose a smile face ,or a sad look.

2002/7 Renai Rd.&Hangjou S. Rd.