2004-04-13 05:34:001314



My life just gets more complicated
With every passing day
My thoughts are all confused
And I just can't think straight

I write because my mind
Is slowly going insane
If I let it out, through my words
I feel it ease the strain

Now Charlotte was my best friend
For as long as I can remember
I fell in love, she'll never know
I'll live with it forever

She told me that she cared
She finally was mine
I thought that I was happy
But something wasn't right

She was like another person-
Not the one I loved
I can't be with someone I don't know
Someone I don't trust

I had to cut it off
But it hurt too much to try
I had to let her go
But the mere thought made me cry

Kar like the big sister
That I had never had
She's the best remedy for my broken heart
She makes me laugh when I'm sad

I trust her with my feelings
I trust her with my thoughts
She tells me about her problems
And about a man who broke her heart

I hate him for hurting her
I hate that she feels this pain
I hate it 'cause I know how it feels

And I've felt exactly the same

And if you mention the drug Ecstasy
I'll probably start to cry

We both have one thing in common
We're both in love the same
We both love different people
We both feel the same pain

And now that she's getting over
The girl that's been her life
And now that I'm moving on

Here's where it gets confusing
'Cause she's such a close friend
She's had her feelings stepped on before
And I'd never let it happen again

Now that you see my situation
What am I supposed to do?
It's not an option, I can't break her heart
She's the last person I could do that to

She's got her own personal problems
And her hair is longer than mine
Drugs, cigarettes, a broken heart
I could use some peace of mind

Maybe she’s here to be my angel
Maybe that's my purpose on Earth
To save me from hell
And show me what life's worth

Maybe I'm here to be a friend
Who'll care for her always
One that cheers her up and makes her laugh
On all her rainy days

'Cause I know she's never had a girl
Who was really there for her
Every person needs the feeling
That someone cares for them

I'd gladly give up anything
For her to live carefree
Smiling, laughing, not a care in the world
Released from all anxiety

He left a big gap in her heart
Her soul is scarred by pain
But just maybe I'm the one
Who can help her feel peace again

My life just gets more complicated
With every passing day
It consumes all my thoughts, burns in my heart
From it there's no escape

The complications that I face
Are a nuisance some would say
But helping her means so much to me
I guess I wouldn't have it any other way

Written at Dec 2003