2005-01-29 12:30:33尚未設定


The worst loneliness is not to be comfortable with yourself.

By Mark Twain US humorist, novelist, short story author, & wit (1835-1910)

Why people feel lonely when they’re alone? Humm…I guess there are lots of reasons that would stir up their loneliness: maybe it’s ‘cause they have few friends to share their true emotions with, maybe they’re frustrated with their lives now, maybe they do not get along well with family, or it’s just ‘cause they want someone to be with them; of course I mean boy/girlfriend.

Feeling lonely is what everyone may confront in life sometimes, even myself. Some of my friends ask me why don’t you go out and find yourself a boyfriend. I always reply no specific answer, for I do not wanna get a boy just because what my friends ask me to do, and it’s dull to find a guy only because of loneliness. Well…why don’t I just go out and look for one-night stand?! (don’t exactly know what one-night stand means, just heard that from TV a lot lol) Come on, I’m not that lonely!

BTW-I’d prefer someone who likes to share his thoughts with me honestly and sincerely, but not a guy who wants to be with me because he’s lonely. Well…If I do feel lonely, I think I will just put my loneliness into words. Write some silly sentences/articles to convey how I feel. I do not know how others deal with this situation, but I consider writing as a good way to let “loneliness” pass. Actually, there are many solutions to get over loneliness. I suggest you find yourself a neat and comfortable way to let yourself feel better. Good luck!!!

But anyways, it’s just a silly and chubby girl’s (like me) thoughts. I don’t know how most people feel, especially guys? lol