2005-09-07 01:42:37愛麗絲
you know, i wish i do have more faith in myself... but it is hard when you always meet great ppl and you’re always surrounded by them...
i know i shouldn’t find any excueses for myself, but i dont know how long it will take for me to actually walk away from that piece of dark cloud that’s always above me.
i know that a person like me would never ever light up the room when i walk into one... i also realize that i have limited strength...
but why can’t you just for once put down your own ego and listen? i know that you always think that you’re right cuz everyone around you believes so too. but just because you spent more than 10 yrs in the medical field and got a MD does not necessary mean that you’re just perfect in everyway... because no human being is perfect, only God is perfect.
and how can you say words like ”if you’re wise enough” to ppl? i know i’m not wise, maybe one day, when i’m really old, i’ll maybe reach that point a tiny bit, but how can you say those words? maybe to you, it’s nothing, but you’re just basically saying ”you’re not wise” to me...
i know that i have responsbilities that i have to take and duties to fultill... i’m sorry if i can’t handle them so well as you do... cuz i’m not you and i don’t want to be you.
i just need a little space to breathe... that’s all that i’m asking for... i have my own expectations for myself, i want to achieve so much too. but you have to realize the effort i have to put in to reach that point is at least 10 times greater than yours... if i were able to teach myself my college courses with just the book and no instructors like you did, then today i may be in a better place than you...
i hope that one day you will do as you always tell me to, ”put yourself in other people’s shoes.”