2009-07-13 23:47:11是羊

Downtown Cafe

圖片來源:Waa / La Dolce Vita

其實我最近比較常聽Joanna耶。但是今天很想聽這首Downtown Cafe。這首歌的原唱是Emily Sparks→一位非常冷門的歌手,冷門到幾乎看不到→不,是根本看不到這位歌手的專輯。他的專輯曾在7-11以極低價的價格賣出,依稀記得是79元吧。→真是可惜我當時不認識他,不然一定買回家。
我是因為尋找Downtown Cafe這首歌才認識娃娃。他詮釋的Downtown Cafe比較圓潤,而Emily Sparks則有一點點啞啞的滄桑感,且音質不是頂好。→大概是獨立製作的專輯吧。Emily Sparks 演唱之版本→Emily Sparks【Downtown cafe 】

Downtown Cafe  詞/曲:Emily Sparks

I saw her mother this morning
At the downtown cafe
Staring blankly
Down in mourning
Had her cup of gourmet coffee
And she asked me
What her baby’d been missing
And I shake my head
Can’t think of nothing
But candy wrappers
Tucked into the folds of the bed
And how I don’t see them around
Since Sarah left town

Now people always think they know you
And they’re almost always wrong
Tried to bend you till they broke you
So she moved along
And sometimes I see them around
Since Sarah left town
Trying to track her down

Sarah, Sarah
Sarah, Sarah

She’s chasing her soul
Not running away
If you’d just let her go
She’ll know the way

And I saw her mother this morning
She looked me in the eye
She said: “you know sometimes, I think I hear her laughing
And all I can do is cry”
And it’s a funny thing about people
How everyone has a song
And he sings it every moment
But we don’t hear it until he’s gone
And sometimes I see them around
Since Sarah left town
They’re humming with heads hanging down

Sarah, Sarah
Sarah, Sarah



下一篇:The Starry Starry Night