2016-07-23 07:06:40idawa3jbank

西人英語 商務英文會話 幼兒美語教材 metallurgy中文意思是什麼

    線上客服 英文 英檢中級複試 臺南英文補習班推薦如何有效學習英文 網路英文教學商用英文單字 台北 英文會話 英語師資網路英文學習 學外語英文 旅遊 學習課程 toeic考試技巧成人英文班 英語會話課 美語常用英文會話 toeic 教學免費家教網 全球英文檢定





n. 名詞 冶金;冶金學兒童英文會話 家教社;冶金術。

  • Metallurgy. chemical analysis. tin and lead antifriction alloys

  • The industrial development in shandong should be located on the above - mentioned superior industries, known as the industries which is " inoculated " by the high and new technology and upgraded such as the leading industry like mechanism, electron, petrifaction and etc, or the traditional industry like energy source, textile, foodstuff, metallurgy and etc, or the high and new technique industry like electronic message, biological engineering, ocean and etc. correspond with the development and grandness of these strategic industry, the famousbrand products including the products of the household appliances, the utility type sedan, the refine chemical industrial products, computer software, halobios pharmacy, industrial revelation ware and etc should be created gradually, and then improve the structure of the industrial products

  • After many years of civil construction and facility renovation, shmp become a modern large enterprise with complete management organization, strong technical ability, sufficient manufacturing facility, advanced procedure, perfect testing method to finish design and manufacturing of heavy equipment for power industries, metallurgy and rolling industries, forging and pressing industries, minery and cement industries, water conservancy, and also high quality heavy casting and forging

  • Powder metallurgy. requirements for sintered bronzes

  • Application of microwave heating drying in metallurgy


    metalloscope, metallurgic, metallurgist, metalware, metalwork, metamathematics


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