2016-07-22 04:15:11idawa3jbank

上班族進修 英語測驗 banana and orange blended with ice中文意思是什麼

    學英語app 補習 english 免費英文app高中家教 邊上班邊學英文邊上班邊學英文mp3 多益補習班 評價學外語 線上英文單字 兒童英語教學師大家教中心 高雄學英文英語會話家教 全民英檢gept全民英檢試題下載 線上英語教學 全民英檢中心補教業 外籍老師



banana and orange blended with ice中文意思是什麼

banana and orange blended with ice解釋英文學習網站 英文學習軟體下載


  • banana: n. 1. 【植物;植物學】香蕉;芭蕉樹。2. 〈美俚〉喜劇演員。3. 〈美俚〉大鼻子。adj. -s 〈美俚〉令人發瘋的(go bananas 發瘋,發狂)。
  • and: n. 1. 附加條件。2. 〈常 pl. 〉附加細節。
  • orange: adj 【歷史】奧林奇派的。n ism 奧林奇派的主張和作法。n man 奧林奇派分子〈1795年北愛爾蘭的一個秘密...
  • blended: 摻合的
  • with:
  • ice: n 1 冰,冰塊。2 〈英國〉冰淇淋,冰淇淋 (= ice cream); 〈美國〉冰涼飲料[點心]。3 冰狀物,糖衣。...

  • Finely roasted high grade coffee beans, meticulously brewed to perfection and carefully blended with non - dairy creamer to capture all the robust aroma, a richer taste, creamier and more satisfying

  • Stir the first 3 ingredients in a goblet with ice and top with champagne. coat the rim of the glass with blue curacao and bar sugar

  • Major extension works at sheung shui and tai wai station will commence once the east rail extension project has been finalised. the hk $ 72. 4 million university station concourse extension project was designed by leigh and orange ltd., with kier hong kong being the main contractor

  • Shake with crushed ice. strain into a sour glass. garnish with a red cherry and orange slice

  • Stir with crushed ice. strain into a collins glass filled with ice. garnish with an orange slice and cherry


    banan-ca, banana aldehyde, banana and chocolate chips muffins, banana aphid, banana apple, banana ball

    banana and orange blended with ice中文意思是什麼

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