2016-05-22 12:04:03idawa3jbank

英文會話 推薦 觀光英語會話 tallahala river中文意思是什麼

    高中英文老師 英語從頭學下載 線上英語學習英文的方法 英文進修免費下載大家說英語 看公視學英語 英文news怎麼學英文 網路學習 英文補習英檢初級 家教網站免費線上英語學習 高中英文老師英文語 免費聽英文故事 學好英文方法伴讀 一對一英文家教費用 英語教學中心



tallahala river中文意思是什麼

tallahala river解釋


  • river: n 1 河,江。 Rriver Thames 或 the R Thames 泰晤士河; the Hudson R 〈美國〉哈得孫河。 the Rriver ...

  • Elephants were bathing in the waters of the sacred river, and groups of indians, despite the advanced season and chilly air, were performing solemnly their pious ablutions

    英文會話 推薦 觀光英語會話 雖然只是初秋,天氣已相當寒冷,卻還有成群的男女在恆河裡虔誠地領受聖洗。這些善男信女是佛教的死對頭,他們狂熱地崇信婆羅門教。
  • Tall trees arched across the river.

  • Civicmoon resort against mountain and closed to the river, the trait of landform is wander and fluctuant, it gives the stylist countless afflatus and space, the construction either built according to the mountain, or arrange the slope, the chain of mountain pile up jade green, the height strew at random, fully display its natural scene

  • A study of monthly - mean surface albedo of the yangtze river delta

  • Low - lying alluvial land adjacent to a river


    talladell, tallafusz, tallaght, tallahassee, tallahassee community college, tallbacka

    talla全民英檢初級試題下載 報名英檢 學英文 mp3hala river中文意思是什麼
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