Darcey Bussell & Igor Zelensky
28/Nov/ 2006
Alastair Marriott . Music by Samuel Barber. Performed by Darcey Bussell and William Trevitt
親吻 是 什麼感覺 ??
印在唇上 烙在心上
愛情接上電源 蔓流全身
你我之間 不容其它
溫馨小品 短短 七分鐘
Alla Sigalova. Music by Geroge Frideric Handel. Performed by Igor Zelensky
黑色迷般的紳士 在燈光切割的舞台上
轉了轉 再轉
尋找什麼 ?? 掙扎什麼??
是男人的不安? 或是 生活的焦慮 ?
走不出的 陰暗
黑暗 適合躲藏
先在這 歇著
男人的心 也想休息
Edwarrd Liang. Music by Philip Glass. Performed by the soloists of the Novoisbirsk State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater
第一次 看 Novoisbirsk State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater
蘇俄 真是 舞者輩出的地方 技巧好 舞者也漂亮
這齣舞碼的編舞者Edwarrd liang 可是台灣人呢 !!
還曾在 NDT 跳過
難怪 編的舞也很 NDT
整晚的演出 個人最愛這齣舞碼
音樂像 滾動的水珠 不間斷的流洩 輕盈又跳動的水珠
不同顏色的燈光 閃爍在水珠上
舞者直排前進 感覺舞台向前伸長許多
輕輕輕輕.. 的說著….
暗暗暗暗… 的嘆著…
話語和著水珠 沖淡記憶 洗清煩惱
Polland peiti. Music by j.s. bach. Performed by darcey bussell and igor zelensky
看到了編舞與巨星 除此之外 沒什麼大震撼
愛情是自私的 ? 佔有的 ?
其實你早已決定 與我生死相伴
即使在另一個世界 也要記著約定
Judith Mackrell
Thursday November 30, 2006
The Guardian
In 1946, Roland Petit’s Le Jeune Homme et la Mort created a delicious scandal. With a libretto written by Jean Cocteau, its portrait of a young painter driven to suicide by a chic but deadly dominatrix fused postwar daring, glamour and decadence in perfect measures. In theory its revival should have been the highlight of Darcey Bussell and Igor Zelensky’s programme at the Wells. Like so much in the evening, however, what was nearly so right ended up being all wrong.
Sixty years need not date a ballet - certainly, the design of this one has retained a stylish historical frisson. But now that Petit’s choreography has lost its original shock value, what’s left appears oddly gauche, full of desperate thrust and graphic detail, yet peculiarly lacking in sex. Zelenksy and Bussell dance with athletic panache, yet they inhabit this period shocker as if it were merely retro fancy dress.
What makes the performance more disappointing is that the two dancers create so few other opportunities to display themselves in greater depth. Concerto Grosso, a solo for Zelensky by Anna Sigalova, is styled with a smart veneer of urban toughness (Zelenksy wearing a beanie pulled low over his piercing gaze), but its knowingly deconstructed parade of muscular poses and whipping turns could be danced by any decent soloist. Alastair Marriott’s duet The Kiss goes deeper in revealing the dark lustre of Bussell’s technique, as, partnered by William Trevitt, she torques her long, plush limbs to spectacular effect. But as with the rest of the programme, including an ensemble piece for Zelensky’s own company, the Novosibirsk Ballet, the lighting is irksome, and the sound quality atrocious.
This evening looks as though it has been staged on a student budget. It is not a credible showcase for two world-class dancers.
Darcey Bussell and Igor Zelensky
Debra Craine at Sadler’s Wells
Two of the world’s leading dancers in their own show for a week at Sadler’s Wells. It sounds like a good idea on paper, especially when those dancers are Darcey Bussell and Igor Zelensky. So what went wrong?
A curious mix of repertoire, shoddy production values and an orchestra that was dismissed late in the day give rise to a feeling that the whole evening was thrown together on the cheap. As a night at the ballet, it does neither dancer any favours.
There are four works: two duets, a solo and — rather incongruously — an ensemble guest appearance by the Siberian National Ballet, the company Zelensky now directs. The music, for the most part, is taped; the lighting is appalling and the costumes are nothing to write home about.
The most successful new piece is Alastair Marriott’s Kiss, a short duet for Bussell and William Trevitt. Set to music by Samuel Barber, it was inspired by the relationship between Rodin and his lover Camille Claudel. Marriott cleverly casts Bussell as both woman and raw material waiting to be sculpted by Trevitt’s impressive strength. But the horrid lighting makes her well-tuned muscles look freakish, an impression highlighted by the deliberately awkward shapes in the choreography.
Zelensky’s solo comes courtesy of the Russian choreographer Alla Sigalova, whose tedious Concerto Grosso is performed to an excruciatingly bad recording of Handel. Inspired by a Russian poem about “the loneliness of a man who is trying to learn infinity’s rules” — perhaps it’s the translation! — Concerto Grosso ties Zelensky up in pointless knots. There are plenty of zippy pirouettes, some nonsense with the lighting equipment and much desperate sign language (what else can Zelensky be doing with his arms?). He deserves so much better.
After the Siberians dance Edwaard Liang’s generic Whispers in the Dark to Philip Glass, a piece they obviously love for its fluid elasticity and suggestive assignations, comes the main attraction. Bussell and Zelensky in Roland Petit’s famous Le Jeune homme et la mort. Back in 1946 this was considered a right little shocker; 60 years later its eroticism is lame.
Zelensky is the distraught painter driven to suicide by the heartlessness of his lover, danced by Bussell in an acid yellow dress and black gloves. Georges Wackhevitch’s old set is fun, especially at the end when Bussell, as the spirit of Death, leads her man over the rooftops of Paris. The organist, Tim Horton, contributes the only live music of the evening (Bach), but the dreadful choreography is embarrassing, the sex is comical and the idea of Bussell as a killer vamp just doesn’t wash.