2006-08-19 16:34:08懶人咪

Bolshoi 06 / The Mixed Bill

Go for Broke -- 2006 . aug . 15.

Music by -- Igor Stravinsky

Choreography by -- Alexei Ratmansky

// Cast //

Nina Kaptsova /Svetlana Lunkina / Ekaterina Shipulina / Anastasia Yatseno / Natalia Osipova / Ekaterina Krysanova


Pique Dame

Music by -- Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky

Choreography by -- Roland Petit

// cast //

Herman -- Nikolai Tsiskaridze

The Countess -- Ilze Liepa

The young girl -- Nelly Kobakhidze


Symphony in C

Music by -- Georges Bizet

Choreography by -- George Balanchine

// Cast //

1st movement -- Anastasia Yatsenko, Dmitri Gudanov

2nd movement -- Svetlana Lunkina, Artem Shpilevsky

3rd movement -- Maria Alexandrova, Denis Matvienko

4th movement -- Ekaterina Shipulina, Dmitri Belogolovsev
Go for broke

一個相當新的舞碼 於 2005 , NOV , 18th , 第一次 在 莫絲科 公演
今年 第一次來到 ROH 演出

這個舞碼 節奏相當快
很多一直線的大動作 加上 一堆lifting ..
腳才剛抬上去 就要放下來
舞者全部以 紫色緊身衣 出現
一片排開 實在看不出 個人特色
就連 一些已經看過多次的舞者 也認不出來
節奏快 動作看不明顯情緒 變成一堆線條

Pique Dame

也是第一次 在 ROH 演出
角色獨特 故事情緒張力大
慾望 單純 黑暗 光明 相互較勁 對峙
中場的 大型 雙人舞 線條優美
誘惑 難以抵擋
逃離不了 最終一起 沉淪
這一開始 的破綻
是在於 自己的貪念 或是 好勝心
Symphony in C

one of balanchine's piece
created for school of american ballet.
also is one of his most famous work.

i would take it as a step between classical ballet and modern dance.
With the correct music beat and graciful ballet steps, this work is stunning and joyful to watch as it is.

4 movements were linked by the melody of music.
move from one to another.
dancers create the atmosphere by their movements.
and change from one to another.
where they moved, my heart move with them.
as the music went along, my imagination tour began.

one fine evening.
watched three brilliant ballet pieces in one go..
standing next to an old charming japanese lady.
who has been a friend of royal opera house for the past 20 years.
and claimed herself to be a queen sitting on the grand pier.
or sometimes pretending to be a phantom of the opera hiding in the curtain.
she would talk to you about every dancer she loved. every ballet piece she has watched.
the great experience of going to see a performance, is not just the performance itself.
sometimes the people who standing or sitting next by might create another show under stage, that you might never know .. or never notice ..
as much as i enjoyed the show itself. i also enjoyed the sharing coversation with other ballet lovers.
coming along and meeting people who actually interested in the same thing, it certianly brought the distance closer.
Then I start to see much more from it.
Next time watched out who is sitting next by. ^ ^