2004-08-15 16:29:02Josephine

菠菜培根 Quiche

Quiche [KEESH]
This dish originated in northeastern France in the region of Alsace-Lorraine. It consists of a pastry shell filled with a savory custard made of eggs, cream, seasonings and various other ingredients such as onions, mushrooms, ham, shellfish or herbs. The most notable of these savory pies is the quiche Lorraine, which has crisp bacon bits (and sometimes GRUYERE cheese) added to the custard filling. Quiches can be served as a lunch or dinner entree, or as a first course or HORS D'OEUVRE.

Barron's Educational Services, Inc. 1995 based on THE FOOD LOVER'S COMPANION, 2nd edition, by Sharon Tyler Herbst.


Quiche 其實就是在塔皮上加鹹的餡,是一種法式鹹派。

來英國之前,就非常喜歡吃 Quiche Lorraine;不過我家附近的咖啡店 quiche 賣得很貴,一小片 quiche 加一杯咖啡就要一百多塊,所以每次經過店裡的時候都只有吞口水的份。

因為冰箱裡剩下來的菠菜太多,桃子用菠菜和培根作了一個 Quiche。雖然形狀沒有機器作的塔皮精美,餡的味道真是無敵棒!

各種quiche 的食譜:http://www.virtualcities.com/ons/0rec/04quiche.htm