2008-05-03 19:29:04Satoshi Ian Noguchi

Random question

Well, there is nothing I can write about now, so what did everyone do for the week off of school? Go any place? Do anything interesting? Please tell me! lol

My week was either sleep, eat, play games, or hang out with emi. It was a nice week though!
- 2008-05-10 16:56:59

hey! good job today morning! i`m sure ur gonna get into the next round..

oh well, seems like i couldnt, lol
but i guess it was a good experience though!
thanks for ur comment too
2008-05-12 12:34:15
Torry˙瑜 2008-05-04 13:57:03

u shouldnt ask me > <

cus im doing NOTHING!!
well.. i did someting..
but something useless..
i sleep.. i hang out.. i chat.. i listen to music.. for the first 3/4 of the holiday..
and for the 1/4 which is like now!!!
im doing my hwk!!!!!!!!!!
now im working on my ict website.....

poor little torry should do her hwk earlier..........

oh well, i also didnt start my hw till thursday.
well, i guess we all didnt start our hw straight away
i guess you might have to start your homework earlier??
2008-05-04 21:01:42