2008-04-14 21:44:45Satoshi Ian Noguchi

貴様を 斬る

lol, just uploaded a pic of me
took it, croped it and added word the words 貴様を 斬る
means i will slice you down, but sounds way cooler in japanese, lol
hope it looks cool!
&&peii 2008-04-18 21:02:01

hahah love that pic
prettie awesome =]
but could have done better contrasting =]
try adobe next time xD


thanks for the tip!
should get working on the pic right away~
2008-04-19 07:24:43
我來自彼岸 2008-04-16 21:24:52

do you take a real sword?...

nah.. just a replics 2008-04-17 10:33:48
^^薇薇^^ 2008-04-16 21:06:56

if you like this every time
and I want to fall in love with you
heehee jkjk

but it is really cool 0 x 0