2008-04-14 13:00:17Satoshi Ian Noguchi

Choir today. and maybe tomorrow

The senior choir is still today not as good as it was last year...
wonder if i’m good or not... i wish i was a better singer...
oh well, there is going to be a singing competition among my friends, so i will try to be the best singer there!
but it would be sad if i didnt OTL
well, if i have fun, then i guess thats all that matters.
but still, want to be better at singing!
我來自彼岸 2008-04-15 20:13:15

Well,i will try my best

Torry˙瑜 2008-04-14 22:02:45

> <
ohh yeah~
im also in the singing competition~

well, don`t worry!
u sing soo well~

and ya..
our choir need to get more better!!!


i wish i did sing well, i guess ur listening to someone else, lol
well, i will try to do my best, although someone said that i never do.
that got me mad, lol

cant wait for the competition!
only two guys though... lol
2008-04-16 14:22:23
我來自彼岸 2008-04-14 20:11:53

maybe you don`t know that your the best singer in bass...

lol, dont think so
well, i`m doing my best, and i hope u are too!
2008-04-14 20:48:48