2008-04-08 00:02:10小大照 : D


Carmen, sorry for saying those words.(因為她對我罵髒話,我也不甘勢落的回敬她很多 我的英文髒話單字都是在這裡進步的)

But I am very tired of u don’t answer my question and I am very tired of u saying I know ur address and phone number
(不知道為什麼她一直篤定我有她的電話號碼= = 和知道她家的住址)

Because when I say no, that’s means no.

And please let me know why do u think I know your address.and numbers.

And why cant tell me online
And u know that I cant go abroad. I have my life here. I am a student and its impossible for me to go abroad just for a answer. So answer me please.

And I didn’t tell a shit to doggie I am not that kind of girl.

if all this cant change whats on ur mind than live our life separate.

But above all is serious and honest.