2019-01-04 05:16:12hxjnzj5ptnvt

【好康平台】Britax R-mer寶得適Holiday Double假日傘車雙胞胎款 2018熱銷產品

不過剛好最近家裡的舊的Britax特價商品省荷包 R?mer寶得適Holiday Double假日傘車雙胞胎款


寶貝說他同事也有買 ,兩個禮拜下來感覺真的很不錯喔!!

所以我跟寶貝馬上googe一下,找看看有沒有Britax R?mer寶得適Holiday Double假日傘車雙胞胎款













Britax Römer Buggy Holiday Double 設計式樣: Aqua Green · 2019

The super-light double buggy Britax Römer Holiday Double will turn every trip with your two bundles of joy into an unforgettable experience. This handy lightweight buggy helps you reach every destination easily. Due to its convenient carrying straps, you can carry the Holiday Double over your shoulder or else transport it like a backpack.

The compact Holiday Double is ready to be used in no time at all. It features an easy folding mechanism with automatic folding lock and collapses into a small and space-saving size so that you can store without much effort.

2018熱銷產品The spacious seat unit provides your child at the age of six months and up with a cosy spot to cuddle up and relax. Mesh inserts on the sides and in the head section ensure optimum air circulation even on hot summer days. The colour-coordinated canopy with a large sun shield protect your little one from direct sunlight and draught. A height-adjustable five-point harness with soft shoulder pads make sure that your child is provided with optimum support while sitting in his seat. The backrests that can be adjusted independently of each other provide an ideal sleeping position.

A combination of breakdown-proof rear wheels and swivel front wheels with suspension contribute to the buggy's easy manoeuvrability on any terrain and turn every ride into the most enjoyable one. Soft padded handles provide even more comfort while being on the go with this mobile and handy travel buggy.

The spacious shopping baskets are perfect for storing all necessities and niceties needed when being out and about. They are easy to reach right underneath the seat units.


  • Suitable from approx. 6 months up to a weight of 15 kg per seat unit

  • Mobile and handy double buggy

  • Easy folding mechanism with automatic folding lock

  • Swivel front wheels with suspension, diameter: 12 cm, diameter of rear wheels: 12 cm
  • 必買清單最近流行產品

  • Height-adjustable five-point harness

  • Convenient carrying straps
  • 選購指南網拍熱門產品

  • Seat units with mesh inserts

  • Spacious shopping baskets

  • Soft padded push handles, height of push bar 101 cm

  • Colour-coordinated canopy and belt pads

  • Weight: 9 kg

  • Dimensions unfolded: 101 x 76 x 74 cm; folded: 28 x 50 x 60 cm

  • Maximum weight capacity: 38 kg




Britax R?mer寶得適Holiday Double假日傘車雙胞胎款





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109分局社區警 與民關注問題

法拉盛109分局轄區內的大學點社區於6日晚舉行「建立鄰里安全會議」(Build the Block Neighborhood Safety Meeting),駐守大學點的四名「社區協調警員」(NCO)與社區民眾面對面探討治安及民眾關心的問題。

與會民眾向警方反映的問題包括:夜晚鄰居擾民、建議為某道路增加減速帶、路面安全等問題。警員都一一作答,或者承諾會幫助民眾向相關部門反映。警員Piccolo指出,應民眾的需求,以及為了防止身分盜竊,警方將聯繫當地市議員辦公室、市清潔局(Department of Sanitation)等部門,近期在大學點舉行碎紙服務活動,希望有需要的民眾關注此活動的具體信息。

109分局在兩年前,成為全市首批實施「社區警務」(community policing)計畫的市警分局,轄區分為四個駐守社區,分別為凱辛娜公園、法拉盛市中心、大學點、白石鎮及貝賽,每個區域由一名警佐帶領十名警員固定駐守,「社區協調警員」負責接收投訴、外展社區、處理犯罪案件等。為了讓社區協調警員能夠與民眾建立更好的關係、了解社區民眾的需求,市警又開展了「建立鄰里安全會議」,旨在增進警民關係,加強合作,共同創造更安全的社區環境。

Britax R?mer寶得適Holiday Double假日傘車雙胞胎款

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部落客推薦, Britax R?mer寶得適Holiday Double假日傘車雙胞胎款

好用嗎?, Britax R?mer寶得適Holiday Double假日傘車雙胞胎款
