2015-11-29 23:12:58胡滌生






關鍵詞:拔仔庄;離散與揉雜; 族裔社群;多元文化;偏見與壓迫;想像社群;社區營造;認同。


A Study of Pailasen’s Community Empowerment at Hualien with the Perspective of Ethnic Community

Hu, Dison*


    This article appropriated Pailasen’s community development case at Hualien for a character of habitably mixed plural ethnic groups about 140 years. It has especially emerged out of the considerable immigrant societies in Taiwan from the particular period of Mandarin Dynasty and Japanese Governor to ROC authority. So far, such as social construction of plural ethnic groups it is continuously reinforced, that fact it fits in with a perspective on diaspora and hybridity within postcolonialism by the anthropology. Taiwan has neatly been arranged a great furnace of ethnic group and a consciousness of self-identities to develop a multicultural nation gradually, she is NOT a part of any other countries absolutely. This article tried using of multiculture; prejudice and oppression etc., with ethnic community, there were to be verified that community empowerment is about to realize completely at Pailasen. Discussing as Hakka’s cultural reviving was emphasized; meanwhile, other ethnic cultures were given being whether they were edged out and broken down the interactive network. And concerning cultural difference of non-mainstreams were existed whether it occurred to an anxiety of assimilation. Furthermore, an ethnic ties of sentimental attachment was constructed.

     At Pailasen, there is three communities including Fu-Yuam Village of major Hakka; Fu-Min Village of major Pangzah and Fu-Xing Village of major Min-Nan. Of the three community empowerments, Fu-Yuam Village is the most excellent including the originality; forgiveness; positiveness; hybridity; organizing capability; propagating capability; inhabitant participating and coordinating of aesthetic performances. Indeed, in terms of multicultural ethnic group’s identity, it is desirous to achieve the period of synergy and awareness of identity as community development and culture in order to minority, it does need to grow up more effort yet. This is how to construct a concept of imagined community, and residents’ consciousness as coherence, it is currently critical focus of community empowerment.

Keywords: Pailasen; diaspora and hybridity; ethnic community; multiculture; prejudice and oppression; imagined community; community empowerment; identity.


**  國立東華大學族群關係與文化學系碩士生。

* MD Student of the Department of Ethnic Relations and Cultures of the National Dong Hwa University. (Supervisor: Prof. Fan)