2014-11-26 10:17:47gdgdxg

pretty presentation

Are you looking for the perfect roll recipe to go with a soup or chili dinner before the weather warms up and it feels like spring is really here?  Or, is it already warm where you live and you’d like a some delicious homemade bread to accompany a main dish salad?  Then I highly recommend that you try these cloverleaf rolls. They are soft and buttery, and the cloverleaf shape is a nice touch for a pretty presentation.

Cloverleaf rolls are now one of my two favorite dinner roll recipes, along with these Honey Yeast Rolls. I love the sweetness of the honey yeast rolls, but when I want more of a rich butter flavor I make these cloverleaf rolls. While cloverleaf rolls make a great accompaniment to soups, stews, and chilis, they are also perfect for serving with other meals. My sister, Karen, served them with Thanksgiving dinner and they went really well with the turkey and other side dishes. Enjoy! 人生の最も美しいを持つ 最も美しい彼を探して 太陽に向かって 注定的相遇 何は幸せ 永遠の記念 The perfect choice とめて江南 私の空 時間旅行

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