2014-07-24 11:59:16gdgdxg

great fun smashing

I’ve gotten back in the kitchen, and it feels so darn good.

Having a baby, you take on a whole new identity – mother, protector, teacher, constant laundry-doer. This little life needs you nearly every minute of the day. And in a strange way, it’s a wonderful feeling. Exhausting but wonderful that you have this new responsibility, and that you get to shape this person and watch them grow. It’s easy to become totally obsessed with your new role and find great joy in being a mom. It’s also especially easy to feel overwhelmed with doing your absolute best all the time. But, it’s easiest of all to forget about yourself.

What I’m really saying is, there have been a lot of frozen pizzas happening in my kitchen.

Things are taking a bit of a turn now, though. In baby’s mellow moments, I get to get back to my happy hobby of tinkering around the kitchen. While I don’t have marathon cooking days like I used to, it gives me a little lift to pull a hot, homemade treat out of the oven… that doesn’t have a cardboard crust. Hehe.

Served on the side of a rotisserie chicken and big salad (still keeping things quick and easy!), these scrumptious salt and vinegar smashed potatoes were a huge hit. They’re a super-crispy cross between mashed potatoes and roasted potatoes, with the perfect amount of vinegary tang. Your tiny-handed helpers will have great fun smashing the potatoes with a heavy mug, too!

Try these easy salt and vinegar potatoes with your favorite grilled meats and fish, too. They’re a fun twist on the classic potato chip – and a dollop of sour cream makes them even more delish!