2011-01-19 22:05:40荷原果

Well, then, you can say...

Dear Aster:

I never write something like this to you, maybe you will laugh loudly when you receive.

But I must be tell you what I feeling from the film in this afternoon.


It's a really really bad performance, then,

I just want to tell you :"The article always exquisite!".


I know , write is a complex and difficult things,

it needs to combine all of element what it should be,

such as , role's emotion、writing skills and what you want to present !


Rowling's book is great, I hope that I could grow strong and strong after readed the book.

It's emotion always make me cry 、laugh, sometimes, inspire confidence in me.

I can see the word of book runing fast, it talk to me that if I want to became the great author,

just a heart!


Keep runing .

Keep writing.

Keep reading.

And watching myself.


So , you can understand my feeling when you receive this message, than, inspire me to grow,

 get it better.



Your dear friend , AsterAndAster.

