2005-04-11 23:59:42


20/01/04’ Cardiff *Cardiff Backpacker Hostel .friendly old woman
.friendly couple

(以下寫於一間Irish Bar)
Irish Bar 放著拉丁舞曲,Well, wired? 也不盡然啦,Hit music 都可以放了,有何差呢,更何況Irish 去Guatemala,不也是一種Irish + Latin?
This is my first time to a bar on my own. I picked up one which is not crowded. Some of them are learning Latin dance, but don’t know why so many people speak by American accent? I tried to escape from a table of Americans but after I found a new table and sat down, the customers who just came in and decided to sit near my table are Americans as well. ( Or I have lost my judgement on American and British Accent, no, I believe they speak by American Accent). Well, I still don’t feel comfortable to go to the bar on my own, however, some people are here alone, too (Oh, no… they are groups).

今天去Museum of Welsh life 時,公車上的老婆婆真的很好心,雖然我一副就是觀光客的樣子,可是他還是很熱心的告訴我,跟我下車,從這個門進去就對了,唉,以後我老了,也要好心待人呀,不過很吐血的是我竟然還是掉了車票了,(這好像是冥冥中注定的,真的是Miserable)。突然想到邱田說他覺得最友善的就是Welsh,事實證明,是金的,從那路人甲 (Bus station staff showed me the road to the information centre even though that was his direction, too)、Information centre staff (Even though that is her job, comparing with other information centre, she is very nice)、friendly old woman,和那bar woman (雖然一切都不一定是那麼的自然,oh well).

這個Museum,其實我也是蠻喜歡的,但是不知是年久失修還是經費不足,一些說明都不是很清楚,但是對於建立這樣一個博物館的苦心,我倒是很尊敬,可以讓來的人有機會對於過去的Welsh 有比較清楚的概念,尤其是那個Gaelic village。不過,我想我回去得找一下,Gaelic,Irish ,Welsh & Scottish 的關係了,好像有點複雜說。
Ps. 我以為旁邊坐了一個單身的小帥哥沒想到他也是跟朋友來的… sad

Cardiff 的city centre 雖然看起來很小但是市政府與University of Cardiff 那一區塊卻是很漂亮的而且很舒服,而且那裡的建築都很雅典市的感覺。對了,還有在Cardiff castle 旁的公園,我發現對於這樣一大片空曠的區域總是讓我覺得很舒服,不過,可能對大家都是一樣的感覺吧: P

跟其他城市比較,我蠻喜歡Cardiff 的,我希望在我離開英國前能夠有機會再去Welsh & London。明天我就要離開,回到另一個不知道變成甚麼樣情況的地方,take a deep breath,I believe everything will be fine.

Ps. 我覺得對我自己很搞笑的一件事,當我走在路上想到我每次都對別人說這些人年紀太小或是已經有女朋友的時候,我竟然無法抑制我的微笑。或許隱約中我自己已經透露出我心裡的答案了。 20/01/04’ in an Irish Bar in Cardiff