2005-05-23 11:57:11ME

Drink Drink Nite

Hmm..It has been a while that my friends and I didn't go out on the weekend nights. For no reason, just it is the time, I went out with double C group the other night.

Due to some our principles, my friends and I used to stick in the Shannon, the brass monkey, Carnegie's and so on. It becomes a kind of boring to us. So it'd be a good timing to start our adventure - to look for some new bars/pubs. Well, so-called the new places for us are actually some famous places where many people are used to hanging out at, just we never visited.

One of the new places is Roxy 99. Very student taste though. To be honest, the atmosphere is like back to our student life for me, a bit strange actually. But the music here is very good. I like the DJ's taste. And you can tell this from the walls of CDs too.

We three just sat by the bar, chatted and observed what was going on nearby. I always can learn and get the new stories from observation and that is my favourite part in the bar in fact. One hour later, the bar was jam-packed. People drank frenziedly, danced happily but the bar doesn't have enough space so we kept be pushed by 4 sportwear girls and some people who surrounded us.

So we headed for Cafe Fresh - a famous gay bar. Couple of friends recommend me to go around there and that is why we went. Hmm..it is a very different place but I felt uncomfortable too. Not because most of the visitors are gay, but it was like we three invaded another peaceful world. Of course, there were still some girls hanging out there and enjoyed the night very much. Maybe it was our first try, so I need time to get used to it.

However, we all admit that gay sometime is more friendly than straight. Their smiles and the way they speak always make me feel warm and sweet. And we could have our own space without any bother. Moreover, we noticed that most of men in gay bar have good bodies and good sense. We believe because they have limited scope of making friends, they need to keep them always be in a very good condition. That is why the quality of the gay bar is better than of the straight one.

The night was finished at breakfast time and was a great night. I am really happy to have two new and good companies. Probably our next advernture would be good to Roxy 88 to enjoy dancing or the all-you-can-drink bar. Looking forward to it.