2019-06-29 18:43:59htfzt3vdzxdf
【搶手商品】Hauck 三合一兒童推車組合 Soul Plus 最新出版介紹
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Hauck 三合一兒童推車組合 Soul Plus
Hauck 三合一兒童推車組合 Soul Plus
Hauck SOUL PLUS TRIO SET 設計式樣: Melange Navy · 2018
比價撿便宜When combined with the CARRYCOT you can use the Hauck Soul Plus right from birth and provide your little one a cosy and safe place to snuggle up. The carrycot can be attached easily to the chassis via the Easy-Fix system. The CAR SEAT Comfort Fix which you can also use right from birth can be attached to the chassis as easily as the carrycot. It is compatible with the Hauck Isofix-base and provides maximum safety and protection for your child. The Comfort Fix has been designed with the innovative shock-absorbing PU-foam patented by Hauck. Thus, high side impact protection is guaranteed at all times. To add some more oomph to your little one's safety the car seat comes with a three-point harness. In order to make your child feel ultra-comfy in his car seat only breathable materials and fabrics were used. Head protector and seat wedge can be used according to your wishes and needs.
When being out and about on a shopping trip you can combine the car seat with the chassis and thus transform the Soul Plus into a convenient SHOP'N DRIVE system. Once you are back at your car, you can single-handedly release the car seat from the chassis and attach it to the seat of your car instead. While doing so, you can leave your child sleeping in the car seat.
Once your little one is older, the sporty pushchair is the perfect companion for discovering the world around. Due to its light weight you can convert the sports seat easily - this way your little one can either face your or explore the surroundings. In order to get your child's favourite position, you can adjust the backrest into a full reclining position single-handedly and in no time at all. The footrest can be adjusted in different levels as well. The large canopy that can be pulled far forward to cover your little one protects him whatever the weather. The colour matching blanket for baby's legs adds some more protection.
The five-point harness and well as the bumper bar provide protection while riding in the Soul Plus. The parking brake ensures maximum support and safety when making a brake on your strolls. To store all necessary items required when being out and about with your little one the stroller is equipped with a spacious shopping basket. The Soul Plus can be folded to a compact size and thus even fits in your car boot.
In addition to this set, we recommend you to get the matching Isofix-base (Isofix-Base for Comfort Fix).
Items of delivery include:
- Aluminium chassis with convertible pushchair unit and blanket for baby's legs
- Carrycot with mattress
- Isofix-capable car seat group 0+
- Bottle holder
Details chassis:
- Suitable from birth up to 15 kg
- Aluminium chassis
- High-quality All-PU-tyres
- Wheels suspension
- Reversible seat unit
- Height adjustable push bar 3 x 98 x 105 cm
- Lockable swivel wheels
- Removable front wheels
- Removable back wheels
- Easy-Fix system
- Large shopping basket
- Parking brake
- Bottle holder
- One-hand adjustment of backrest
- Recline angle of backrest: 108 - 160°
- Continuous adjustment of backrest, 2 x
- Adjustable footrest, 2 x
- Removable bumper bar
- Removable cover
- Removable canopy
- Sun canopy
- Five-point harness
- Can be combined with carrying bag
- Wipeable
- Weight of chassis (incl. wheels): 7,55 kg
- Weight of pushchair unit: 3,7 kg
- Total weight of buggy/ pushchair: 11,25 kg
- Size folded: 85 x 63 x 34 cm
- Size open: 96 x 63 x 105 cm
- Seat width: 30 cm
- Height of push bar: 105 cm
- Height adjustable push bar 3 x 98 - 105 cm
- Length of lying surface: 90 cm
- Length of seat and backrest 22 / 49 cm
- Diameter of rear wheels: 23 cm
- Diameter of front wheels: 16 cm
Details carrycot:
- Suitable for children from birth up to 9 kg
- Easy-Fix system
- mattress
- Weight: 5,3 kg
- Internal dimension 76 x 33 x 19 cm
Details car seat:
- Suitable for children from birth up to 13 kg
- Three-point harness
- Side protection
- Removable head protector
- Compatible for Isofix-fitting
- Removable seat wedge
- Removable cover
- Removable canopy
- Weight: 3,7 kg
- Seat width: 25 cm
- Size car seat: 66 x 45 x 60 cm
Hauck 三合一兒童推車組合 Soul Plus
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