2019-02-28 01:31:15htdrbftbtjnl

【人氣產品排行榜】Britax R-mer 兩用兒童推車 GO BIG 2 超人氣商品限時下殺


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Britax Römer Multi-Functional Pram GO BIG 2 設計式樣: Oxford Navy · 2019

The trendy off-road pram Britax Römer GO BIG is the ideal companion that makes your life a little easier: Suitable for any weather condition and on all terrain the robust and lightweight Britax Römer GO BIG offers maximum manoeuvrability. Its large front wheels and excellent central suspension contributes to optimum driving comfort on any surface.

The seat unit is particularly suitable for little adventurers at the age of six months and up. Both backrest and footrest can be adjusted in different levels. You child can enjoy the amazing features of the GO BIG pram every time you are out for a stroll - no matter if he or she wants to rest and take a nap in a flat recline position or discover the world around. If you want to use this pram right from birth, you can combine it with the GO carrycot or the GO BIG soft carrycot (not included in delivery!). The GO BIG has been designed to grow with your child: The carrycot sits high enough for you to keep eye contact with your baby and the seat unit features a low height in order to build your little one's independence.

The five-point belt as well as the play bar prevent your little one from falling out. The seat unit's canopy comes with a ventilation panel and its extra-large extendable sunshield with UPF 50+ provides a shady spot for your little one on sunny days.

The height adjustable ergonomic handle is super convenient for parents. Another real treat is the fully reversible seat unit that offers both comfort and the possibility for your child to travel in a forward or parent facing mode.

Particularly moms will be delighted by the GO BIG's large shopping basket with 3M Scotchlite™ reflective safety stripes. The basket has a maximum weight capacity of 10 kg so that you can store all the necessities and niceties needed when being out and about with a child - whether that be clothes, food, toys or smaller purchases. In order to guarantee optimum protection of the contents in your basket, you can easily adjust the side part in height.

Thanks to the patented user-friendly folding system, you can fold the GO BIG either parent or forward facing. Its compact folded size makes it a freestanding unit so that you can store is easily even in tight spaces.

Due to the removable Click & Go adapter you can transform the Britax Römer GO BIG into a Travel System so that it co-ordinates perfectly with any Römer Infant Car Seat (not included in delivery!) as well as the Britax Römer Carrycot (not included in delivery!).

Details Britax Römer Pram GO BIG:


  • Age suitability: from 6 months up to 3 years (17 kg max.)

  • Available in various designs

  • Items delivered: chassis and seat unit

  • Seat unit: completely reversible, multiply adjustable backrest and footrest, wind shield, ventilation panel in the canopy and sun shade, UVP 50+

  • Travel System: with detachable Click & Go adaptor, compatible with any Britax Römer infant car seat and the chassis (both not included in delivery!) and the GO BIG soft carrycot

  • Patented, user-friendly folding system, compact folded size, free-standing
  • 網路熱賣產品人氣產品

  • Height-adjustable, ergonomically shaped handle, 55 - 111 cm

  • Wheels: lockable swivel front wheels Ø 23 cm, air filled rear wheels Ø 28 cm, rubber wheels, fast to remove

  • Large shopping basket with 3M Scotchlite™ reflective safety stripes, maximum weight capacity of basket: 10 kg

  • Size folded, with chassis, seat unit and wheels: H 52 x W 61,5 x D 80,5 cm, size open: H 111 x W 61,5 x D 97,5 cm

  • Total weight: 14 kg, weight of chassis with wheels: 10 kg




Britax R?mer 兩用兒童推車 GO BIG 2





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蕭君杰主秘表示,配合機場捷運線A1台北車站旅遊服務中心開站,觀光傳播局更推出了「臺北旅遊好Match–好運輪盤」,歡迎國內外旅客即日起至12月23日期間,到現場拍照打卡上傳FB或Instagram,就可參加活動,只要將臺北各景點如台北101與杜拜塔、美麗華摩天輪與英國倫敦之眼等著名景點配對,就有機會獲得WeMo Scooter的騎乘金、台北旅店集團的住宿折價券、潮人物雜誌或旅人必備的SIM卡收納手機座等好禮,讓來臺北旅行的旅客體會Taipei是個熱情親切、活潑多元、推廣共享及綠能的城市。




為了防範非洲豬瘟疫情入侵,行政院農委會不斷提醒民眾切勿攜帶、網購來自中國大陸的肉品,就怕疫情會延燒至台灣;然而根據農委會統計,日前大陸「雙 11」網購活動期間內,各大網購平台上竟有多達 1800 多件「豬肉產品」的訂單是來自台灣網友所訂購。

綜合媒體報導,非洲豬瘟作戰計畫工作小組召集人、農委會參事許桂森在本月 16 日表示,自 11 月 11 日起至 13 日的「雙 11」網購熱潮中,有共計 1800 件的大陸肉類訂單,有賴各電商與政府一同防堵疫情,因此均未成立訂單,成功讓非州豬瘟鎖在中國大陸境內。


報導指出,許桂森坦言,仍有許多海內外民眾不清楚相關規定,有的是陸配在大陸的親朋好友寄來的,有的則是台灣民眾自行訂購;不論如何,只要走快遞進來台灣,就會有報關的人,「罰則非常重!」除了《動傳條例》第 43 條的行政罰外,移送檢調將可依第 41 條、處 7 年以下徒刑,得併科 300 萬元罰金,提醒民眾千萬不要以身試法。

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Britax R?mer 兩用兒童推車 GO BIG 2

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