2019-04-02 23:40:43hprlf13ldrzf

【限時下殺】Brevi Child Car Seat Tazio Isofix tt 送禮推薦發燒好康

最近媽媽生日快到了,偷偷打聽後知道媽媽最近想買熱銷排行榜非逛不可 Brevi Child Car Seat Tazio Isofix tt

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嘿嘿~今年一定要給媽媽驚喜,居然可以送他最想要的Brevi Child Car Seat Tazio Isofix tt










Brevi Child Car Seat Tazio Isofix tt 設計式樣: Grey · 2018

Travelling in the safest and most secure way is possible with the Tazio Isofix tt by the manufacturer Brevi. Being suitable for children at the age of 9 months up to twelve years the energy-absorbing shell of this child safety seat has been designed to feature an increased side impact protection for many years.

Group/ weight category:


  • group 1/ 2/ 3

  • suitable for children weighing from 9 kg up to 36 kg

  • suitable for children at the age of approx. 9 months up to 12 years

Conforms to the norm:

  • ECE R44/04

The elegant Tazio adapts perfectly to any developmental stage of your child. When used as a group 1 child safety seat, you can easily narrow the spacious seat by using a special insert. This way, the Tazio is particularly comfortable for small passengers and can be extended for taller children later on. The height-adjustable headrest as well as the wide backrest provide the best sitting and lying comfort while being adjustable into four different lying positions with only one hand and without disturbing your child. The energy-absorbing shell and the headrest provide the best side impact protection in case of an accident.

Please note: Not until the headrest is adjusted correctly, is your little passenger supplied with optimum protection. The headrest should be adjusted in that way that both the shoulder belts and the shoulders of your child are on the same level.

The built-in five-point harness is suitable for children weighing up to 25 kg. Maximum comfort is supplied by the soft pads. Later on, you can remove the harness and fasten your child with your car's own seatbelt instead. Special belt positioners make it particularly easy for mom and dad to fasten their child and ensure a secure fit. The Tazio meets the requirements of both tiny and taller children by featuring a crotch strap that can be adjusted in two different positions.

The Tazio can be installed easily by using the Isofix connectors that create a strong connection between child safety seat and the body of the car. Depending on use and age of the child, you can also attach the Tazio by using your car's own harness and top tether.

The Brevi child safety seat Tazio Isofix tt ensures many safe and secure car rides as well as high seating comfort for your little explorer. By featuring a backrest that can be adjusted from a sitting position into a recline position, an adjustable headrest as well as an adjustable crotch strap, the Tazio meets all the requirements of a durable child safety seat that can be used for a very long time.


  • Including seat insert

  • 送禮推薦發燒好康
  • Forward-facing mode

  • Installation: with Isofix connectors and top tether or else with car's own seatbelt

  • 本季最新款推薦
  • When used as a group 1 child safety seat, your child is to be fastened with the five-point harness; when used as a group 2/ 3 child safety seat, your child is to be fastened with the car's own seatbelt

  • Colour indicator shows whether the Isofix connectors and the top tether are snapped in correctly

  • Headrest and built-in harness can be adjusted simultaneously in nine different positions

  • Adjustment in four different lying positions

  • Crotch strap can be adjusted in two different positions

  • Integrated five-point harness with shoulder pads

  • Energy-absorbing shell

  • Detachable, soft padded cover that can be washed by hand at 30°C

  • Dimensions: H 60 - 73 x W 43,5 x D 48,5 - 60 cm

  • Weight: 10,5 kg




Brevi Child Car Seat Tazio Isofix tt





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警方表示,7日晚10時30分至次日上午9時30分,停在法拉盛寇登街(Colden St.)44-35號前的一輛2018年款豐田(Toyota)車的兩個側視鏡被盜;同一時段,停在不遠處的另一輛2012年款豐田汽車也遭殃。

12日下午2時15分,駕駛一輛2018年豐田車的車主把汽車停在橡樹大道(Oak Ave.)143-12號前,僅離開15分鐘,汽車的兩個側視鏡被盜走。




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Brevi Child Car Seat Tazio Isofix tt

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