2005-10-14 21:54:28Hope

Cricket - I fall in love with it because of my love

To Most of English people the top three most important sports are football; ruby and cricket. Needless to say everyone knows how crazy the English are towards football and we Taiwanese may also know a bit about ruby but Cricket is a completely strange and unfamiliar sport to us. In fact I think even in England cricket is the least popular sport among these there. There is a big cricket fan in my house and the most important cricket game for English cricket fan the so called Ash text cricket was played in England so from the person who used to have no idea about cricket and even thought it was a slow and boring game I became an English cricket fan.

Going through more than one month, 5 matches and every match last for four or five days and after losing the Ashes for 18 years England finally bit Australia and got back the Ashes from Aussies. Suddenly those English people who don’t usually watch cricket or never watch cricket became the cricket fan and the sports shop’s best selling product is no longer football but cricket bat. I guess the reason it became so popular again is not only because the sport itself but also the wining have made the English proud for being English. The Ashes text cricket games is finished and the big cricket fan in my house kept asking his darling wife to write an article about cricket hoping that it will be an introduction for crickets to the Taiwanese. To be honest I am quite moved by his passion towards cricket.

I did write an article about cricket after the game. In that article I was trying to write the history about Ashes and even try to explained the very complicated cricket rules but by the time I finished my long article I read it again and I realized for people who never watch any cricket game my article will be Greek to them so here I am I decided to write an article about cricket but frankly speaking what I am going to write is not really about cricket.

I never wanted to admit the reason why I became a cricket fan is because I love the big cricket fan in our house. During the period when Ashes was played in the summer whenever we went out with friends for drink or dinner my husband always told his friends with a proud and happy tone about his darling wife was shouting and getting tense while she was watching the cricket games with him but when he started to go on and on about me became an English cricket fan I even tried harder to explained to everyone that I am not really a cricket fan because I feel if I admit that I like cricket is just like to admit to everyone that I am the woman who change what she like because of the man she loves. I remember many years ago I have seen a film it is about this woman played by Julia Roberts who has been engaged for many times but she never got married in the end because she always ran away from the wedding. There is a male reporter played by Richard who was very curious why Julia always ran away from her weddings so he decided to find it out. He interviews all of Julia Roberts ex fiancés and always asked these two questions “ what kind of eggs does Julia like and what kind of engagement right is her dream engagement ring?” He got different answers from different ex fiancé for example: if fiancé A likes scramble egg it happened that Julia’s favorite egg is scramble egg and if fiancé B likes fry egg then it happened that Julia’s favorite egg is fry egg. Julia’s dream engagement ring will also depend on each fiancé’s taste. It is to say that Julia forgot who she is what she want and she changed herself to the ideal woman that her each fiancé wants. It is really not a great film but somehow it became a film that I kept reminding myself I shouldn’t change my way of eating eggs only because I love someone. Probably because of this fear when my darling husband was telling that his wife is a big cricket fan I never wanted to admit it because it feel if I admit it at the same time I am admitting that I became the kind of woman who changed herself only because of love and I became the woman who doesn’t have the so called woman awarness.

After the cricket game finished I never asked myself why I like cricket and my darling husband don’t mention to people about his wife is a cricket fan anymore until a few days before I was talking to a friend and she said” She loves Labrador and her ex boy friend also became a Labrador fan in the end as well.” She also said “It is just like you became only because I love my husband so I love what he loves.” It such a simple words she said to me but it woke me up and think the reason I like cricket only because I love my husband so I want to share what he loves and it is nothing with the so called woman awareness. In fact not only woman but also men will also change themselves for the woman they love for example my husband like most of men never really like shopping so much but he enjoy going shopping with me because when he like to share the smile in his wife’s face when she wear the new clothes and new shoes and he even enjoy making commands about the clothes I wear just like my girl friends who used go shopping with me. Does my husband really like shopping? The answer is not really, the reason he go shopping with me is because that is something make me happy as for myself –Do I really like cricket? I do think this particular game(the Ashes) between England and Australia is really exciting and cricket is definitely a game which involves a lot of techniques. When I was watching the final match which will decide either England or Australia will have the ashes I know I like watching this game but I like the feeling of sharing something that my husband love with him is even greater than the game itself and of course I also like by bringing all the wonderful food for picnic during those five days to show off to my husband’s friends that I am a good cook and my husband is very lucky to have me.

Anyway! I fall in love with cricket because of my love but do I became the ideal woman that my husband wants? Well, maybe not because I still eat the eggs I want and I still can’t change my terrible temper for him.